Authors: Eadan Plotnizky, Naama Scandarion, Carolina Campos
Programming Language: C++
ENCrypto Chat is a secure communication program designed for two users to exchange messages over an encrypted server. The program offers a variety of encryption schemes, including DES, Triple DES, RSA, and El Gamal, which users can choose from based on their preferences and needs.
Current version doesn't let you choose the asymmetric encryption. The default asymmetric encryption is set to RSA
To run the program make sure you have a GCC compiler.
InfInt.h by sercantutar - This program uses the InfInt library for simple lightweight large integer opereration and storage.
Windows operation system - The program includes socket programming with WINSOCK that requires windows to run.
open Terminal
make sure you are in the right directory
./mainServer.exe <ip address> <des/3des> <rsa/elgamal>
to run the server executable through the terminal. -
make sure to wait for the RSA keys to generate before executing the client (will display message)
./mainClient.exe <ip address> <des/3des> <rsa/elgamal>
to run the client executable through the terminal.