Authors: Eadan Plotnizky, Naama Scandarion
Programming Language: C++
This program let a user choose if he wants to encrypt or decrypt a message using DES algorithm with ECB Mode Of Operation, or to exit the program.
Encryption: The user will input a secret message to be encrypted and a secret 8 character password/key. The output will be the encrypted binary string and the encrypted cipher text.
Decryption: The user will input an encrypted message to be decrypted and a secret 8 character password/key. The output will be the decrypted cipher text.
To run the program through VSCode make sure you have a G++ compiler.
- open Terminal
- make sure you are in the right directory
- type
g++ -o main.exe .\des.cpp .\main.cpp
to compile the program and to create an executable file. - type
to run the executable through the terminal.
- type
g++ -o main.out des.cpp main.cpp
to compile the program and to create an executable file. - type
to run the executable through the terminal.