The current fork of the CSScombx coding style formatter is specifically intended to comply with the Drupal CMS coding standards. The default configuration might be found in the config/drupal.json file. You can easily write your own configuration to make your style sheets beautiful and consistent. Just copy some of the config/*.json files, put it into your project's root and rename the file to .csscombx.json (see the leading dot). Then edit the file according your needs. Note that any of a project child folders may have its own .csscombx.json file with different settings.
The main feature is sorting properties in a specific order. It was inspired by @miripiruni's PHP-based tool of the same name. This is the new JavaScript version, based on the powerful CSS parser Gonzales PE.
The tool has a restricted support on the current fork.
If you'd like to become a maintainer of this project, please ping @drugan.
Global installation (for use as a command-line tool):
npm install csscombx -g
Local installation (for use as a command-line tool within current directory):
npm install csscombx
To install as a project dependency (the package will appear in your dependencies):
npm install csscombx --save
To install as a dev dependency (the package will appear in your devDependencies):
npm install csscombx --save-dev
2. Configure
There are a number of ways to configure CSScomb:
- Use one of predefined configs
- Put .csscombx.json file in the project root or any of the nested folders.
- Set path to config's file
- Use *.css file as a template
Process all *.css, *.scss, *.sass or *.less files found in the ./my-styles folder or any of its child folders.
csscombx ./my-styles
Process files like the above using config/zen.json configuration file.
var Comb = require('csscombx');
var comb = new Comb('zen');
Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute. Please take a moment to review the guidelines for contributing.
Thanks for assistance and contributions:
@miripiruni, @anton-rudeshko, @cvrebert, @filtercake, @ignovak, @kizu, @lefoy, @L0stSoul, @mishaberezin, @puzankov, @schneyra, @thejameskyle, @vecmezoni @drugan
This software is released under the terms of the MIT license.