- When you hover over a square it is colored with a random color from the array.
- Choose music from playlist to make it look even cooler!
The number of squares changes depending on the value of the variable "SQUEARES_NUMBER":
const SQUEARES_NUMBER = 425;
Colors are stored in a variable "colors":
const colors = ['#06d1b9', '#79d106', '#ff9924', '#0ad100',
'#ff70b8', '#7aedff', '#ff3d51', '##cc56c2', '#f51616', '#00ff88', '#db16f5', '#8aff70'];
Music plays when you hover over the board:
function playBackgroundAudio() {
board.addEventListener('mouseover', () => {
board.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => {
- Pyrokinesis - Чемпионы пепла
- Pyrokinesis - Абсолютно чёрное тело
- Pyrokinesis - Танцуй полумесяц
- Pyrokinesis - До последнего люмена
- Pyrokinesis - Письмо и безразличие