Tags: doctrine/orm
### Release Notes for [3.3.0](https://github.com/doctrine/orm/milesto… …ne/163) Feature release (minor) ### 3.3.0 - Total issues resolved: **0** - Total pull requests resolved: **12** - Total contributors: **8** #### New Feature - [11666: Auto-detect values for EnumType columns](#11666) thanks to @derrabus - [11576: Add support for using nested DTOs](#11576) thanks to @eltharin - [11575: Allow named Arguments to be passed to Dto](#11575) thanks to @eltharin - [11528: Add `createNamedParameter` to `QueryBuilder`](#11528) thanks to @norkunas #### Improvement - [11657: Support for DBAL 4.2 EnumType in SchemaTool](#11657) thanks to @beberlei - [11560: Remove unused $pkColumns when gathering columns](#11560) thanks to @smoothie - [11557: Make CountWalker use COUNT(*) when $distinct is explicitly set to false (#11552)](#11557) thanks to @d-ph - [11365: Reintroduce PARTIAL, but only for non-object hydration.](#11365) thanks to @beberlei - [11653: [GH-8471] Undeprecate PARTIAL for objects in DQL](#11653) thanks to @beberlei #### Documentation - [11619: add nested new in EBNF documentation](#11619) thanks to @eltharin #### Static Analysis - [11579: Precise EntityRepository::count return type](#11579) thanks to @VincentLanglet #### Deprecation - [11512: Deprecate DatabaseDriver](#11512) thanks to @greg0ire
### Release Notes for [3.2.3](https://github.com/doctrine/orm/milesto… …ne/167) 3.2.x bugfix release (patch) ### 3.2.3 - Total issues resolved: **0** - Total pull requests resolved: **2** - Total contributors: **2** - [11614: Guides as dev dependency](#11614) thanks to @greg0ire #### Test Suite - [11592: Fix compatibility with DBAL 4.2](#11592) thanks to @derrabus
### Release Notes for [2.20.0](https://github.com/doctrine/orm/milest… …one/151) ### 2.20.0 - Total issues resolved: **0** - Total pull requests resolved: **13** - Total contributors: **6** #### Test Suite - [11660: test: cover all transactional methods in `EntityManagerTest::testItPreservesTheOriginalExceptionOnRollbackFailure()`](#11660) thanks to @simPod #### Improvement - [11647: [GH-8471] undeprecate partials completly](#11647) thanks to @beberlei - [11628: Prepare PHP 8.4 support: Prevent property hooks from being used](#11628) thanks to @beberlei - [11366: Undeprecate PARTIAL for array hydration.](#11366) thanks to @beberlei - [11188: Fix different first/max result values taking up query cache space ](#11188) thanks to @mpdude #### Static Analysis - [11643: Remove vendor prefix of PHPDoc referencing class-string](#11643) thanks to @derrabus - [11639: Let PHPStan detect deprecated usages](#11639) thanks to @derrabus #### Deprecation - [11641: Deprecate the `\Doctrine\ORM\Query\Parser::setCustomOutputTreeWalker()` method](#11641) thanks to @mpdude #### Documentation - [11640: Stop recommending vendor-prefixed PHPDoc](#11640) thanks to @derrabus - [11636: Add upgrade note about property hooks](#11636) thanks to @greg0ire - [11504: Fix upgrade guide for 2.20](#11504) thanks to @derrabus CI -- - [11631: Add CI job for PHP 8.4](#11631) thanks to @greg0ire #### Bug - [11621: EntityGenerator lifecycle callbacks](#11621) thanks to @timum-viw
### Release Notes for [2.19.8](https://github.com/doctrine/orm/milest… …one/166) 2.19.x bugfix release (patch) ### 2.19.8 - Total issues resolved: **0** - Total pull requests resolved: **10** - Total contributors: **5** - [11655: Submodule cleanup](#11655) thanks to @greg0ire #### Bug - [11646: Run risky code in finally block](#11646) thanks to @greg0ire - [11625: Make nullable parameters explicit in generated entities](#11625) thanks to @derrabus #### Documentation - [11644: Remove a misleading comment](#11644) thanks to @mpdude - [11618: unclosed `]` in attributes-reference.rst](#11618) thanks to @n0099 - [11615: Move orphan metadata to where it belongs](#11615) thanks to @greg0ire #### Static Analysis - [11635: PHPStan 1.12.6](#11635) thanks to @derrabus - [11585: PHPStan 1.12](#11585) thanks to @derrabus #### CI,Documentation - [11627: Replace custom directives with native option](#11627) thanks to @greg0ire CI -- - [11616: Bump doctrine/.github from 5.0.1 to 5.1.0](#11616) thanks to @dependabot[bot]
### Release Notes for [3.2.2](https://github.com/doctrine/orm/milesto… …ne/165) 3.2.x bugfix release (patch) ### 3.2.2 - Total issues resolved: **0** - Total pull requests resolved: **1** - Total contributors: **1** #### Documentation - [11550: DQL custom functions: document TypedExpression](#11550) thanks to @janedbal
### Release Notes for [2.19.7](https://github.com/doctrine/orm/milest… …one/164) 2.19.x bugfix release (patch) ### 2.19.7 - Total issues resolved: **0** - Total pull requests resolved: **4** - Total contributors: **4** - [11564: GH11551 - fix OneToManyPersister::deleteEntityCollection case where single-inheritence table parent entity is targetEntity.](#11564) thanks to @gitbugr #### Bug - [11543: Fix the support for custom parameter types in native queries](#11543) thanks to @stof - [11109: Original entity data resolves inverse 1-1 joins](#11109) thanks to @mcurland #### Documentation - [11534: working-with-objects.rst: added missing white space](#11534) thanks to @k00ni
### Release Notes for [3.2.1](https://github.com/doctrine/orm/milesto… …ne/162) 3.2.x bugfix release (patch) ### 3.2.1 - Total issues resolved: **0** - Total pull requests resolved: **2** - Total contributors: **2** #### Improvement - [11517: Fix deprecated array access usage](#11517) thanks to @derrabus #### Bug - [11511: Add the proper void return type on the __load method of proxies](#11511) thanks to @stof
### Release Notes for [2.19.6](https://github.com/doctrine/orm/milest… …one/160) 2.19.x bugfix release (patch) ### 2.19.6 - Total issues resolved: **0** - Total pull requests resolved: **20** - Total contributors: **12** #### Documentation - [11526: doc: Use modern array syntax in getting started](#11526) thanks to @GromNaN - [11493: fix(docs): use string value in `addAttribute`](#11493) thanks to @SamMousa - [11460: docs: update EntityManager#transactional to EntityManager#wrapInTransaction](#11460) thanks to @IndraGunawan #### Static Analysis - [11513: Address doctrine/persistence 3.3.3 release](#11513) thanks to @greg0ire - [11467: Psalm 5.24.0](#11467) thanks to @derrabus - [11466: PHPStan 1.11.1](#11466) thanks to @derrabus #### Improvement - [11509: Remove unneeded CS rule](#11509) thanks to @greg0ire #### Bug - [11506: [2.19.x] Fetching entities with Composite Key Relations and null values](#11506) thanks to @michalbundyra - [11501: Fix OneToManyPersister::deleteEntityCollection missing discriminator column/value. (GH-11500)](#11501) thanks to @gitbugr - [11489: Replace assertion with exception](#11489) thanks to @greg0ire - [11475: Fix cloning entities](#11475) thanks to @nicolas-grekas - [11445: Consider usage of setFetchMode when checking for simultaneous usage of fetch-mode EAGER and WITH condition](#11445) thanks to @aprat84 - [11194: Skip joined entity creation for empty relation (#10889)](#11194) thanks to @noemi-salaun CI -- - [11490: ci: maintained and stable mariadb version (lts)](#11490) thanks to @grooverdan - [11484: Use ramsey/composer-install in PHPBench workflow](#11484) thanks to @greg0ire - [11442: Bump ramsey/composer-install from 2 to 3](#11442) thanks to @dependabot[bot] - [11441: Bump doctrine/.github from 3.0.0 to 5.0.1](#11441) thanks to @dependabot[bot] - [11440: Upgrade codecov/codecov-action](#11440) thanks to @greg0ire #### Test Suite - [11465: Test with actual lock modes](#11465) thanks to @derrabus - [11463: Backport test for `Query::setLockMode()`](#11463) thanks to @derrabus
### Release Notes for [3.2.0](https://github.com/doctrine/orm/milesto… …ne/153) ### 3.2.0 - Total issues resolved: **0** - Total pull requests resolved: **5** - Total contributors: **4** #### Improvement - [11472: Remove readonly modifier from EntityManager](#11472) thanks to @nicolas-grekas #### Deprecation - [11470: Deprecate the NotSupported exception](#11470) thanks to @derrabus - [11468: Deprecate SequenceGenerator implementing Serializable](#11468) thanks to @derrabus - [11357: Deprecate obsolete and unnecessary properties from Table attribute (#11351)](#11357) thanks to @DaDeather - [11354: Deprecate --complete option of orm:schema-tool:update](#11354) thanks to @greg0ire
### Release Notes for [3.1.4](https://github.com/doctrine/orm/milesto… …ne/161) 3.1.x bugfix release (patch) ### 3.1.4 - Total issues resolved: **0** - Total pull requests resolved: **6** - Total contributors: **3** #### Bug - [11464: Fix failed merge](#11464) thanks to @derrabus - [11462: Fix return type of `Query::getLockMode()` for DBAL 4](#11462) thanks to @derrabus - [11456: Using an integer as discriminator value with ORM v3](#11456) thanks to @prohalexey - [11425: Discriminator value could be an integer](#11425) thanks to @prohalexey CI -- - [11444: Use ramsey/composer-install in PHPBench workflow](#11444) thanks to @greg0ire - [11439: Setup Dependabot](#11439) thanks to @greg0ire