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Tags: doctrine/instantiator



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This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
doctrinebot Doctrine Bot
### Release Notes for [2.0.0](…


Backwards incompatible release (major)

### 2.0.0

- Total issues resolved: **0**
- Total pull requests resolved: **1**
- Total contributors: **1**

#### BC break

 - [94: Migrate codebase to PHP 8.1](#94) thanks to @derrabus


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This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
doctrinebot Doctrine Bot
### Release Notes for [1.5.0](…


Feature release (minor)

### 1.5.0

- Total issues resolved: **0**
- Total pull requests resolved: **4**
- Total contributors: **1**

#### deprecation

 - [96: Deprecate internal constants](#96) thanks to @derrabus

#### documentation

 - [95: Simplify composer command line](#95) thanks to @derrabus


 - [93: Bump dev tools and CI workflows](#93) thanks to @derrabus

#### Test Suite

 - [91: Fix tests on PHP 8.2](#91) thanks to @derrabus


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This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
doctrinebot Doctrine Bot
### Release Notes for [1.4.1](…


1.4.x bugfix release (patch)

### 1.4.1

- Total issues resolved: **0**
- Total pull requests resolved: **3**
- Total contributors: **2**

#### bug

 - [90: Fail nicely on enum FQCNs](#90) thanks to @derrabus


 - [89: Bump dev tools and CI workflows](#89) thanks to @derrabus
 - [84: Rename job](#84) thanks to @greg0ire


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This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
doctrinebot Doctrine Bot
### Release Notes for [1.4.0](…


### 1.4.0

- Total issues resolved: **0**
- Total pull requests resolved: **2**
- Total contributors: **2**

#### enhancement

 - [77: Update PHPstan to 0.12](#77) thanks to @franmomu

 - [75: Modify http => https](#75) thanks to @matks


Toggle 1.3.1's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
doctrinebot Doctrine Bot
Release [1.3.1](


- Total issues resolved: **0**
- Total pull requests resolved: **1**
- Total contributors: **1**


 - [68: Test against PHP 8](#68) thanks to @alcaeus


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This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
doctrinebot Doctrine Bot
Release [1.3.0](


- Total issues resolved: **1**
- Total pull requests resolved: **3**
- Total contributors: **4**


 - [61: Adds support of internal child class instantiation](#61) thanks to @gquemener
 - [60: Typehint getReflectionClass](#60) thanks to @seferov
 - [59: Fix error_handler type hints](#59) thanks to @ScullWM
 - [39: Can't instantiate final class extending ArrayIterator](#39) thanks to @ciaranmcnulty


Toggle 1.2.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
Ocramius Marco Pivetta
This release simplifies the internal code by leveraging PHP 7.1+

functionality, adds static analysis and coding standards to CI
integration, and brings in minimal performance improvements.

Total issues resolved: **11**

- [36: replace athletic with phpbench](#36) thanks to @bendavies
- [37: Add Phpstan to CI](#37) thanks to @bendavies
- [41: Apply Doctrine CS 2.1, PHP 7.2 on CI](#41) thanks to @Majkl578
- [43: CS 4.0, PHPStan 0.9, PHPUnit 7, static asserts, composer.lock, merged stages](#43) thanks to @Majkl578
- [47: Update homepage](#47) thanks to @Majkl578
- [50: Extend `Throwable` in Exception marker interface](#50) thanks to @BackEndTea
- [53: `restore_error_handler`, typehint](#53) thanks to @seferov
- [55: CI: Test against PHP 7.4snapshot instead of nightly (8.0)](#55) thanks to @Majkl578
- [56: Drop HHVM relics](#56) thanks to @Majkl578
- [57: Updated phpstan to 0.11 + added phpstan's rules for phpunit](#57) thanks to @CzechBoy
- [58: Updated doctrine/coding-standard to 6.0](#58) thanks to @patrickjahns


Toggle 1.1.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
Ocramius Marco Pivetta
This release raises the minimum required PHP version to 7.1.0.

HHVM official support was dropped.

In addition to that, cleanups were applied in the library, making
it slightly more efficient, as a few checks for old PHP version
compatibility were dropped.

Total issues resolved: **3**

- [23: Cleanup: old php versions compat cleanup](#23) thanks to @Ocramius
- [27: Using the higher entropy uniqid](#27) thanks to @mikeSimonson
- [29: Modern way of specifying class path](#29) thanks to @NinoSkopac


Toggle 1.0.5's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
Ocramius Marco Pivetta
[![Build Status](…


Total issues resolved: **7**
- [13: Use stable php_codesniffer](#13)
- [14: PSR-4, retaining original folder structure](#14)
- [15: travis: optimize to run coverage only once](#15)
- [16: add new line at .gitignore for eof](#16)
- [18: add shebang to](#18)
- [19: Remove the hhvm-nightly job from the matrix](#19)
- [20: Cannot instantiate final class if it extends internal](#20)


Toggle 1.0.4's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
Ocramius Marco Pivetta
[![Build Status](…


Total issues resolved: **1**
- [11: Change PHP version constraint to support PHP 7](#11)