Omeka S is a web publication system for universities, galleries, libraries, archives, and museums. It consists of a local network of independently curated exhibits sharing a collaboratively built pool of items, media, and their metadata.
See the user manual or GitHub repository for more information.
Use Docker.
docker-compose up -d
# Create the MySQL database
docker-compose exec mysql mysql -e 'create database omekas'
# Create the database configuration
cp config/database.ini.dist config/database.ini
# Install dependencies via Composer
docker-compose exec php composer install
Then point your browser here to do initial setup: http://localhost:8080
The following command will dump the production database to a local file.
Replace SSH_USER
appropriate values.
ssh SSH_USER@SSH_HOST 'mysqldump -C -u MYSQL_USER -p MYSQL_DATABASE' > dump.sql
Upon running this command, you'll see a password prompt that looks like this:
This prompt is for the SSH password. Once you enter it, you'll see another password prompt that looks like this:
Enter password:
This prompt is for the MySQL password. After entering it, it may take a few
moments before the command terminates. At that point, the file dump.sql
should contain the database dump.
Now, to import this dump into your local instance of MySQL in Docker, run the following command.
docker-compose exec mysql mysql -e 'source dump.sql' omekas