475 commits
to main
since this release
- #868 - @nyc4m - Run gofmt (closes #866)
- #865 - @anitgandhi - load balancers: add new size slug field
- #863 - @thelovekesh - Update README.md
- #862 - @nywilken - commands/doit: Prevent creation of config home when using
- #854 - @timoreimann - Kubernetes: add support for node pool taints
- #861 - @kamaln7 - upgrade godo to v1.45.0
- #858 - @andrewsomething - Remove unused script: script/build.sh
- #852 - @kamaln7 - apps: add spec commands: get and validate
- #851 - @bouk - apps: add defaults for deployment id and component name
- #850 - @kamaln7 - Update godo, present confirmation prompt on app deletion
- #836 - @andrewsomething - CONTRIBUTING.md: Add headers for different test types.
- #844 - @rbutler - invoices: add category to InvoiceItem
Docker images
docker pull digitalocean/doctl:latest
docker pull digitalocean/doctl:1-latest
docker pull digitalocean/doctl:1.47.0