Vagrant plugin that exposes the VBoxManage snapshot
As of Q4 2015, the vagrant snapshot command is provided by core Vagrant. Consider using it in preference to this plugin.
Ensure you have Vagrant 1.1+ installed, then run:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbox-snapshot
The following commands are added by this plugin:
vagrant snapshot take [vm-name] <SNAPSHOT_NAME> # take snapshot, labeled by NAME
vagrant snapshot list [vm-name] # list snapshots
vagrant snapshot back [vm-name] # restore last taken snapshot
vagrant snapshot delete [vm-name] <SNAPSHOT_NAME> # delete specified snapshot
vagrant snapshot go [vm-name] <SNAPSHOT_NAME> # restore specified snapshot
- Not compatible with Vagrant <1.1. If you need this, try another solution.
This plugin is primarily a port of vagrant-snap to Vagrant 1.1.
- vagrant-snap
- fork with Vagrant 1.0.4-1.0.7 compatibility: source
- sahara
- supports 1.1
To develop on this plugin, do the following:
# get the repo, and then make a feature branch (REPLACE WITH YOUR FORK)
git clone
cd vagrant-vbox-snapshot
git checkout -b MY-NEW-FEATURE
# installs the vagrant gem, which is a dev dependency
bundle install
# hack on the plugin
vim lib/vagrant-vbox-snapshot.rb # or any other file
# test out your changes, in the context provided by the development vagrant gem, and the local Vagrantfile.
bundle exec vagrant snapshot ...
# commit, push, and do a pull-request
See for the notes I compiled while developing this plugin.