Install Hugo, following the steps at This website was built using Hugo v0.132.1
To see the website locally, run
hugo server
and navigate to the url, usually http://localhost:1313/
After the changes have been made, commit them onto a new branch, and create a PR to merge the content into main
The github workflows will automatically deploy the new version of the website.
You can also use the dockerfiles here to do this. Simply run
docker compose build
to build the image, and then to run the container
docker compose up -d
docker exec -it dasc-labgithubio-hugo-1 hugo server
This should print the location where the web server is available, and you can open it in a browser. Updates made to the local repo should automatically get rendered.
To add a new person, starting from the root directory, run
hugo new content people/
where id
must be replaced by the id you want to create.
Navigate to /content/people/
and edit the front matter.
After the front matter, you can add more details. These will be rendered on
Similarly, to add a paper, run
hugo new content papers/
and then edit /contents/papers/
. Again, you can add more info after the front matter, to have it render on the individual page.
If you link the author id correctly, each author's page will be automatically updated to include all the papers too.
This website uses bootstrap v5.3.3 to create styles.
To customize additional css, edit /layouts/partials/style.html
To customize how the person
and papers
render, edit /layouts/partials/person-card
or /layouts/partials/paper-card
- add search functionality
- add projects
- add news
- fix homepage
- add in maths functionality