- CMake
- MinGW
Generate a Makefile project using CubeMX. Use a development board and initialize all peripherals to their default mode (to generate all HAL files)
Outside the generated directory (ex. BSP), create a CMakeLists.txt and arm-none-eabi-gcc.cmake files.
Populate the CMakeLists.txt file using the generated Makefile (basically copying all necessary files).
If cloning this project, adapt the above two files accordingly to your MCU. Pay attention to :
- Project name
- Src and Inc paths
- Name of startup file
- Name of linker file
- Compiler definition for the chosen board / MCU
Create a build folder (ex. cmake-build-debug) and cd to that folder
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../arm-none-eabi-gcc.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
(or MSYS Makefiles) -
Then, run
cmake --build . -- -j 4
You should obtain .bin and .hex files for your target
- Use STM32CubeProgrammer to program the device.
- Open the folder containing CMakeLists.txt and *.cmake file with CLion.
- In File -> Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment section, add the following to CMake options field:
- CLion should reload the CMake project without any errors.
- Build the project
- Create a new run configuration (Run -> Edit Configurations)
- Add a new OpenOCD Download & Run configuration
- In the board config file field, supply the appropriate configuration file. Ex. https://github.com/ntfreak/openocd/blob/master/tcl/board/st_nucleo_f4.cfg
- Also make sure to fill the Executable field ex. nucleo-f401re.out file in the build folder
- Pressing the Run button should now flash the target
- To debug, place a breakpoint and click on the green bug (debug) icon. The debugger should stop at the breakpoint
- Undefined reference to _sbrk: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5764414/undefined-reference-to-sbrk
- https://github.com/posborne/cmsis-svd/blob/master/data/STMicro/STM32F401.svd
- https://dev.to/younup/cmake-on-stm32-the-beginning-3766
- https://dev.to/younup/cmake-on-stm32-episode-2-build-with-clion-2lae
- https://dev.to/younup/recompiler-vos-projets-c-et-c-plus-rapidement-avec-ccache-23in
- https://github.com/nagelkl/clion_embedded
- https://wiki.segger.com/J-Link_Visual_Studio_Code