The public documentation repository. PRs accepted and encouraged!
Developer documents for the InstructLab organization
InstructLab Command-Line Interface. Use this to chat with a model and execute the InstructLab workflow to train a model using custom taxonomy data.
Simple Cura plugin for splitting models along the build plate.
Python code to parse a Twitter archive and output in various ways
ansiblebook / ansiblebook
Forked from lorin/ansiblebookCode samples from the book "Ansible: Up and Running"
Primary indexer for the raw data used in the other stats reports and dashboards
The ultimate resource for transitioning to freelancing for software developers 👩💻🇫🇮
A website to help people navigate NTSB 830
Setup the machine to follow
Keyboard layouts for Android phones with physical keyboards
Workshop content for Ansible module development
Kubernetes Operator for Pulp 3. Under active development.
Contains samples of operators built using the operator-sdk
Prometheus Operator creates/configures/manages Prometheus clusters atop Kubernetes
A repository of resources about public speaking, specifically in the context of software development and IT conferences.
Ansible playbooks for Red Hat CloudForms Management Engine (CFME).
Node.js IRC bridge for Matrix
Demo setup of ManageIQ on Intel NUCs
One day hands on lab with Ansible and Ansible Tower
An open source solution for cost management of cloud and hybrid cloud environments.
Bash script which helps with post production for GoPro cameras in Linux, can be used as a replacement for GoPro Studio
This repository is being archived. See and for the new locations
Ansible-Getting-Started / lightbulb
Forked from ansible/lightbulbThe Ansible Lightbulb project is an effort to provide a content toolkit and educational reference for effectively communicating and teaching Ansible topics.
Collection of scripts and tweaks to adapt Ubuntu and Linux Mint ISO images to let them run smooth on GPD Pocket