This is the capstone project for the Full Stack Developer Nanodegree. This simple application has two data tables - Projects and Actors. Projects have attributes Title and Release Date, while Actors have names, genders, and ages.
This application uses Auth0 to manage different user types and permissions. Casting Assistants have the most limited permissions - with the ability to only view actors and movies. Casting Directors can do everything Casting Assistants can do and also edit (patch) actors and projects and create new actors. Executive Producers have Casting Director permissions and can also create new projects.
The login/register page for this application can be found at:
This project has been deployed to production using Heroku and can be found at this URL:
This application includes the following endpoints:
GET /actors Fetches all actors in the database in a JSON body
POST /actors Creates a new Actor with arguments name, age, gender
PATCH /actors/id When provided an actor’s id and a JSON request, this endpoint will update the actor with the arguments supplied in the request
DELETE /actors/id When provided an actor’s id this endpoint will delete that actor from the database
GET /projects Fetches all actors in the database in a JSON body
POST /projects Creates a new Project with arguments title and release date
PATCH /projects/id When provided a project’s id and a JSON request, this endpoint will update the project with the arguments supplied in the request
DELETE /project/id Wh en provided a project’s id this endpoint will delete that project from the database