Hi! I'm Curtis Rueden, a software developer from Madison, WI, USA.
I am a research software engineer in the Eliceiri biophotonics laboratory (a.k.a. the Laboratory for Optical and Computational Instrumentation or LOCI) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. My work is focused on open-source development of bioimage software, including ImageJ2, Fiji, SciJava, SCIFIO, and related things.
🚀 Technologies I know and love | Java, Kotlin, POSIX shell scripting, Python, JavaScript, GNU/Linux, Jekyll, XML, HTML, CSS, vim, Maven, Git, IntelliJ IDEA |
🌱 Technologies I want to learn more about | PyCharm, GraalVM, Julia, Dart, HTML5, Node.js, Electron, Docker, Jupyter, Android, WebAssembly |
🥴 Technologies I use and often tolerate | C/C++, MATLAB, Windows, macOS, Eclipse, Gradle |
📟 Obsolete technologies of which I am fond | QBasic, Pascal, Adobe Flex, Perl, Ant, Subversion, Mac OS Classic, MS-DOS ;-) |
For help with bioimage software including ImageJ, please use the Image.sc Forum.