- Cambridge, MA
Code for the paper 'Let there be Color!: Joint End-to-end Learning of Global and Local Image Priors for Automatic Image Colorization with Simultaneous Classification'.
Friendly machine learning for the web! 🤖
A webapp to generate brand names using TensorFlow.js and React
crschmidt / boto
Forked from boto/botoPython interface to Amazon Web Services
Leaflet wrapper around OpenLayers.
crschmidt / raster2mb
Forked from developmentseed/gdal2mba version of gdal2tiles with MBTiles support
Interact with and use the myGengo Translate API with Python.
For the latest version of boto, see -- Python interface to Amazon Web Services
crschmidt / openlayers
Forked from chrelad/openlayersOpenLayers 3