Helps build the pagination buttons in a (web) app. Includes a ready-to-use Djula template with Bulma CSS.
- create a pagination object
- generate the HTML
(make-pagination :page 1
:page-size 50
:nb-elements (length '(:my :results))
:href (format "search?q=~a" query))
:HREF "search?q=foo"
:TEXT-LABEL "Page 1 / 1"
Then give this object to the template to create the pagination buttons.
The href
will be expanded with a &page=
and the current page. So, at the time of writing, you must add a "?q=" part. PR and discussion welcome. It works for now©.
Clone and (ql:quickload "cosmo-pagination")
In Ultralisp.
You can pass the pagination object to your template and build the HTML list of buttons yourself.
See our ready-to-use template below.
: the URL for a page button. You can append&page=n
to it (see below). -
: the current page. If it is 1, you might disable the "previous" button. For example:
{% if == 1 %}
<a class="pagination-link" aria-label="Goto previous page" disabled> < </a>
{% else %}
<a class="pagination-link" aria-label="Goto previous page"
href="{{ pagination.href }}&page=1"> < </a>
{% endif %}
: the total number of elements in your sequence that you want to paginate.pagination.nb-pages
: the total number of
: the page size, the number of elements to display on one page. Defaults to 200.pagination.max-nb-buttons
: the total number of buttons we want to display. Defaults to 5. You'll want to iterate over it at some point. We do like this in Djula templates:
{% for _ in pagination.max-nb-buttons.make-list %}
Then, you can check which page you are on with this, in order to emphasize this button:
{% if forloop.counter == %}
: the text to show on buttons. Defaults to "Page 1 / n", where 1 and n are filled appropriately. Optional.
Use the default template:
// with Djula
{% include "pagination.html" :pagination pagination-object %}
You might want to tell Djula where to find the template before use in your app:
(djula:add-template-directory (asdf:system-relative-pathname :cosmo-pagination
Here's a snippet to query a DB with Mito and paginate the results:
(defun table-records (table &key (page 1) (page-size *page-size*))
(let ((offset (* (1- page) page-size)))
(mito:select-dao table
(sxql:order-by (:desc :created-at))
(sxql:limit page-size)
(sxql:offset offset))))
- <2024-02-28> Added the
argument to customize button links in the template.