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Collab Emotion Mining Toolkit

Table of Contents



How to run

Programming languages, 3rd party libs, and OS

How to cite


About EMTk

EMTk is a toolkit for training custom sentiment and emotion classifiers from text. The emotion-mining toolkit comprises two main modules:

  • Emotion mining module (formerly EmoTXT) - A emotion-mining toolkit for training custom emotion classifiers from text. Together with the toolkit, we distribute an emotion classifier specifically tuned for emotion mining from developers' communication channels, tranied using our gold standard of about 5k posts from Stack Overflow
  • Polarity mining module (formerly Senti4SD) - An emotion-polarity classifier specifically trained on technical corpora from developers' communication channels

Choose Collab EMTk if:

  • You need to assess the polarity of technical text snippets (e.g., issue comments) from the software development domain but you don't want to train your own classification model => select the sentiment polarity module
  • You need to classify the emotion expressed in technical text snippets (e.g., commit comments) from the software development domain but you don't want to train your own classification model => use the classification function of the emotion mining module.
  • You have a corpus of text from any domain that you intend to use for training your own emotion classifier => use the training function of of the emotion mining module.


The Docker image

To ease the installation and setup costs, we have packaged EMTk as a lightweight Docker container and published it on Docker-Hub at this repository. Anyone interested in using EMTk must first install Docker. Then, to install the latest version of the EMTk container image, run the following from the command line:

$ docker pull collabuniba/emtk
$ docker run --rm -v <sharedFolderPath>:/shared -ti collabuniba/emtk

where <sharedFolderPath> is the path to the folder on the host that will be shared with the container to allow file exchange at runtime.

Direct download

EMTk and all other software developed by Collab is available on GitHub. If you don't want to run the software from the Docker container, feel free to download directly the modules from their repos by clicking on any of the buttons below.

EmoTXT   Senti4SD

How to run

First, execute the Docker container in interactive mode. By default, the instruction below will execute the latest version.

# docker run --rm -it collabuniba/emtk
Polarity module

The -it option starts the container in the interactive mode, so the run command logs you in the container’s shell environment (>). From there, to execute the polarity module, run:

> emtk polarity -F A -i input.csv -oc output.csv -vd 600 [-W dsm.bin] [-L] [-ul unigramList -bl bigramList]


  • -F {A, S, L, K}, feature to evaluate A for All, S for Semantic, L for Lexicon, K for Keyword.
  • -i <input.csv>: the input data to classify.
  • -oc <output.csv>: the resulting predictions.
  • -vd <N>: the vector size.
  • -W <dsm.bin>: [optional] the wordspace to use; the default wordspace is /polarity/ClassificationTask/dsm.bin.
  • -L: [optional] if present, the input corpus comes with a gold label in the label column.
  • -ul <filename>: [optional] the unigram's list.
  • -bl <filename>: [optional] the bigram's list.

Users can test-drive the polarity module by using the file /polarity_sample.csv, containing only a handful of documents.

Emotion module

Regarding the emotion classifier module, in the following, we show first how to train a new model and, then, how to test it on unseen data. To train a new model on a training set, run:

> emtk emotions train -i file.csv -d delimiter [-g] -e emotion


  • -i <file.csv>: the corpus to be classified, encoded in UTF-8 without BOM and with the following format:

  • id;label;text
    22;NO;"""Excellent! This is exactly what I needed. Thanks!"""
  • -d {c, sc}: the delimiter used in the csv file, where c stands for comma and sc for semicolon.

  • -e {joy, anger, sadness, love, surprise, fear}: the emotion to be detected.

  • -p: enables the extraction of features regarding politeness, mood and modality.

As a result, the script will generate an output folder in the present working directory named training_<file.csv>_<emotion>/, containing:

  • n-grams/: a subfolder containing the extracted n-grams.
  • idfs/: a subfolder containing the IDFs computed for n-grams and WordNet Affect emotion words.
  • feature-<emotion>.csv: a file with the features extracted from the input corpus and used for training the model.
  • liblinear/DownSampling/ and liblinear/NoDownSampling/, two folders each containing:
    • trainingSet.csv and testSet.csv.
    • eight models trained with liblinear model_<emotion>_<ID>.Rda, where ID refers to the liblinear model (with values in {0, ..., 7}).
    • performance_<emotion>_<IDMODEL>.txt, a file containing the results of the parameter tuning for the model (cost), the confusion matrix, and the Precision, Recall, and F-measure for the best cost for the specific <emotion>.
    • predictions_<emotion>_<IDMODEL>.csv, containing the test instances with the predicted labels for the specific <emotion>.

Finally, to execute the classification task, run:

> emtk emotions classify -i file.csv -d delimiter -e emotion [-m model] [-f /path/to/.../idfs] [-o /path/to/.../ngrams] [-l]


  • -i <file.csv>: same as above.
  • -p: enables the extraction of features regarding politeness, mood and modality.
  • -d {c, sc}: same as above.
  • -e {joy, anger, sadness, love, surprise, fear}: same as above.
  • -m model: [optional] the model file learned during the training step; if not specified, as default the model learned on the Stack Overflow gold standard will be used.
  • -f /path/to/.../idfs: [optional] with custom models, also the path to the folder containing the dictionaries with IDFs computed during the training step is required; the folder must include IDFs for n-grams (uni- and bi-grams) and the WordNet Affect lists of emotion words.
  • -o /path/to/.../ngrams: [optional] with custom models, also the path to the folder containing the dictionaries extracted during the training step; the folder must include n-grams (i.e., UnigramsList.txt and BigramsList.txt).
  • -l: [optional] if present, the input corpus comes with a gold label in the column label.

As a result, the script will create an output folder in the present working directory named classification_<file.csv>_<emotion>, containing:

  • predictions_<emotion>.csv: a csv file, containing a binary prediction (yes/no) for each line of the input corpus:

  • id;predicted
  • performance_<emotion>.txt: a file containing several performance metrics (Precision, Recall, F1, confusion matrix), created only if the input corpus <file.csv> contains the column label.

Users can test-drive the emotion classification module by using the file /emotions_sample.csv, which contains only a handful of documents. Other more complex sample datasets are available at /emotions/java/DatasetSO/StackOverflowCSV.

The /shared/ folder

To use the EMTk modules with custom datasets, users must access the /shared/ folder, which is mounted specifying the –v option in the docker run command shown above. The -v option defines the paths for the folder to be shared in both the host and the hosted machines:

docker run -v <pathInTheHostMachine>:<pathInTheContainer> [...].

For instance, on a Linux machine, -v ~/shared:/shared creates a folder named shared in the host system's home (if it doesn't already exist) and a folder named shared in the container's root. Whatever is put into the shared folder can be found on both the systems, allowing input and output file exchange. This is accomplished by leveraging Docker's bind mounts.

Programming languages, 3rd party libs, and OS

Collab EMTk is developed using a mix of Java, Python, R. Hence, it works on Linux, macOS, and Windows. The following 3rd party libraries are also used:

How to cite

If you intend to use the Collab EMTk for your work, please cite the following papers:

 author="Calefato, Fabio and Lanubile, Filippo and Maiorano, Federico and Novielli, Nicole",
 title="Sentiment Polarity Detection for Software Development",
 journal="Empirical Software Engineering",
 title={EmoTxt: A Toolkit for Emotion Recognition from Text},
 author={Calefato, Fabio and Lanubile, Filippo and Novielli, Nicole},
 booktitle = {Proc. of 7th Int'l Conf. on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshops and Demos},
 series = {ACII 2017},
 year = {2017},
 isbn = {978-1-5386-0563-9},
 doi = {10.1109/ACIIW.2017.8272591},
 url ={},
 location = {San Antonio, TX, USA},
 pages = {79--80},
 numpages = {2}
 title={A Gold Standard for Emotions Annotation in Stack Overflow},
 author={Novielli, Nicole and Calefato, Fabio and Lanubile, Filippo},
 booktitle = {Proc. of 15th Int'l Conf. on Mining Software Repositories},
 series = {MSR 2018},
 year = {2018},
 isbn = {978-1-4503-5716-6/18/05},
 doi = {10.1145/3196398.3196453},
 location = {Gothenburg, Sweden},
 pages = {14--17},
 numpages = {4}


Collab EMTk is licensed under the MIT License.

Support or Contact

Having trouble with our toolkit? Contact us and we’ll help you sort it out.


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