CoinGate SDK provides a convenient access to the CoinGate API from applications written in a specific programming language.
CoinGate API documentation - []
CoinGate Sandbox - []
Currently following languages are supported:
CoinGate SDK must has these API Endpoints
Auth test: []
Create Order: []
Get Order: []
List Orders: []
Checkout Order: []
Merchant refunds
Create Order Refund []
Get Order Refund []
Get Order Refunds []
Get Refunds []
Get Exchange Rate []
List Exchange Rates []
IP Addresses []
Get Currencies []
Platforms []
CoinGate SDK requirements
Possibility to set both API Token and environment via constructor, or define via methods later.
//PHP SDK example $client = new \CoinGate\Client('YOUR_API_TOKEN'); //PHP SDK example (sandbox) $client = new \CoinGate\Client('YOUR_API_TOKEN', true); //PHP SDK example (late definition) $client = new CoinGate\Client(); // if needed you can set configuration parameters later $client->setApiKey('YOUR_API_TOKEN'); $client->setEnvironment('sandbox');
The following endpoints MUST BE implemented ([see CoinGate API documentation])
Create Order
//PHP SDK example $params = [...]; $order = $client->order->create($params);
//PHP SDK example $checkout = $client->order->checkout(7294, [ 'pay_currency' => 'BTC' ])
Get Order
//PHP SDK example $order = $client->order->get(7294);
List Orders
//PHP SDK example $orders = $client->order->list([ 'created_at' => [ 'from' => '2022-01-25' ] ]);
Possibility to perform Test API Connection
//PHP SDK example \CoinGate\Client::testConnection('YOUR_API_TOKEN'); //PHP SDK example (sandbox) \CoinGate\Client::testConnection('YOUR_API_TOKEN', true);
Possibility to set App Information (used for 3rd party plugin developers)
//PHP SDK example \CoinGate\Client::setAppInfo("MyAwesomePlugin", "1.0.0");
Possibility to set Custom Request Timeout
//PHP SDK example $curl = new \CoinGate\HttpClient\CurlClient(); $curl->setTimeout(10); $curl->setConnectTimeout(5); // tell CoinGate Library to use the tweaked Curl client \CoinGate\Client::setHttpClient($curl); // use the CoinGate API client as you normally would
Every request to the API endpoint should include a User-Agent header in the following format:
CoinGate/v2 (%language% Library v**%version%**)
%language% is programming language used e.g. PHP, JAVA, C#, etc..
%version% is version of the SDK library, e.g. 1.0.0
In case, SDK will be integrated into a 3rd party package, there should be a possibility to set an additional app information, e.g.
CoinGate/v2 (%language% Library v**%version%, %appInfoName% v%appInfoVersion%**)
CoinGate/v2 (%language% Library v**%version%**, %appInfoName%)
%appInfoName% is name of 3rd party package e.g. WHMCS, ShopWare6, etc..
%appInfoVersion% is version of the 3rd party package (optional), e.g. 1.0.0
SDK usage SHOULD BE replicated as close as to one used in CoinGate PHP SDK []
SDK source code SHOULD BE covered with tests. Tests should be mocked using fake possible request responses, so tests can be passed without real api-key from live or sandbox.
Programming language specific code style and best practices MUST BE followed.
SDK SHOULD handle both Socket and API response exceptions via a central method
PHP SDK snippet for Socket exception cases and messages
private function handleCurlError(string $url, int $errno, string $message) { switch ($errno) { case CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT: case CURLE_COULDNT_RESOLVE_HOST: case CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEOUTED: $response = "Could not connect to CoinGate ($url). " . "Please check your internet connection and try again. "; break; case CURLE_SSL_CACERT: case CURLE_SSL_PEER_CERTIFICATE: $response = "Could not verify CoinGate's SSL certificate. " . "Please make sure that your network is not intercepting certificates. " . "(Try going to $url in your browser.) "; break; default: $response = "Unexpected error communicating with CoinGate. "; } $response .= 'If this problem persists, let us know at'; $response .= "\n\n(Network error [errno $errno]: $message)"; throw new ApiConnectionException($response); }
PHP SDK snippet for API response exception cases and messages
public function handleErrorResponse($response, int $httpStatus) { $reason = $response['reason'] ?? null; if ($httpStatus === 400) { throw BadRequest::factory($response, $httpStatus); } elseif ($httpStatus === 401) { switch ($reason) { case 'BadAuthToken': throw BadAuthToken::factory($response, $httpStatus); default: throw Unauthorized::factory($response, $httpStatus); } } elseif ($httpStatus === 404) { switch ($reason) { case 'RefundNotFound': throw RefundNotFound::factory($response, $httpStatus); case 'LedgerAccountNotFound': throw LedgerAccountNotFound::factory($response, $httpStatus); case 'OrderNotFound': throw OrderNotFound::factory($response, $httpStatus); case 'WithdrawalNotFound': throw WithdrawalNotFound::factory($response, $httpStatus); default: throw NotFound::factory($response, $httpStatus); } } elseif ($httpStatus === 422) { switch ($reason) { case 'RefundIsNotValid': throw RefundIsNotValid::factory($response, $httpStatus); case 'OrderIsNotValid': throw OrderIsNotValid::factory($response, $httpStatus); case 'OrderNotFound': throw OrderNotFound::factory($response, $httpStatus); default: throw UnprocessableEntity::factory($response, $httpStatus); } } elseif ($httpStatus === 429) { throw RateLimitException::factory($response, $httpStatus); } elseif (in_array($httpStatus, [500, 504])) { throw InternalServerError::factory($response, $httpStatus); } throw UnknownApiErrorException::factory($response, $httpStatus); }