- go is installed ("go version" should display the version)
- node js is installed
Convert multiple tabs from Ultimate Guitar into ChordPro format and import the resulting tabs into Bandhelper
- Open https://www.ultimate-guitar.com/user/mytabs or any other website on Ultimate Guitar containing your favorites tabs
- Mouse Rightclick -> Inspect -> Console -> Enter the following code:
// Create a variable for the links
let links = document.querySelectorAll("a[href^='https://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/tab/']");
// A loop that iterates over the links
for (let link of links) {
// Get the URL of the link as a string
let url = link.href;
// Find the number at the end of the URL with a regular expression
let nummer = url.match(/\d+$/)[0];
// Output the number in the console
The result should be similiar to this...
Copy the resulting numbers like "VM108:11 1689257" into ASCII File
Extract the interesting numbers in second column with
awk '{print $2 }' all.txt > numbers.txt
- Run
(This script does the following:
- scraping all tabs which match the numbers in
from Ultimate Guitar into ASCII files - convert tab format into ChordPro format
- deleting unneccessary characters like "-----"
- create zip of all tabs)
- Import the zipped file into Bandhelper:
- Log into the website and go to the Repertoire > Documents or Repertoire > Recordings page.
- Click the Batch Import form at the top of the page, select your zip file and check the Add New Songs option.
- Click Submit. This will upload all the files, which could take several minutes depending on your Internet connection.
- Done!
- https://github.com/Pilfer/ultimate-guitar-scraper (A Scraper for Ultimate Guitar tabs written in Go)
- https://github.com/martijnversluis/ChordSheetJS (A JavaScript library for parsing and formatting chord sheets)
This software's purpose is purely educational. I am not responsible for how you use this package. This repository and all others associated with it are not affiliated with, authorized, or endorsed by Ultimate-Guitar.com.