Sortable component for React.js.
- multi rows and cols,
- size of item,
- two sortable mode,
- drag and drop with touching,
- different content and style of item
- animations
Install packages in your project:
$ npm i --save react react-motion develexe-sortable
Add files to your folder ./src/SortableReact.js, ./src/SortableReact.css.
Import SortableReact component:
import SortableReact from './SortableReact';
Use SortableReact component:
cells=[{id: 1, colspan:1, rowspan:1, defaultColumn:1, defaultRow:1, content: (<h1>Hello</h1>), style:{backgroundColor:"green"}}]
SortableReact has option order. It's array of dictionaries.
id: 1, // identifier of item unique
colspan:1, // width of item, width of item eq w*width
rowspan:1, // height of item, height of item eq h*height
defaultColumn:1, // column
defaultRow:1, // row
content: (<h1>Hello World</h1>), // content of item
style: {{backgroundColor:"red"}} //style of item
Default props:
SortableReact.defaultProps = {
mode: "SWAP", //set sortable mode: "SWAP" or "SORT"
cellWidth: 90, // set width item
cellHeight: 90, // set height item
cellSpacing: 10, // set distance between items
cells: default_order, // array of items with options
stiffness: 300, // set stiffness for animations
damping: 50, // set damping for animations
scaleActiveCell:1.2, //when drag item to scale
shadowActiveCell:1.2 //when drag item to shadow
isGridLocked: false, //grid is locked
not_update_order:false //update cells after update component
Types of props:
SortableReact.propTypes = {
mode: PropTypes.oneOf(["SWAP", "SORT"]),
cells: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.shape({
id: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
colspan: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
rowspan: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
defaultColumn: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
defaultRow: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
content: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
styles: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
cellWidth: PropTypes.number,
cellHeight: PropTypes.number,
cellSpacing: PropTypes.number,
stiffness: PropTypes.number,
damping: PropTypes.number,
scaleActiveCell: PropTypes.number,
shadowActiveCell: PropTypes.number,
isDropOnEmptyAreaAllowed: PropTypes.bool,
onCellDrop: PropTypes.func, // onCellDrop is function with one parameter. This parameter is active item.
onCellDragStart: PropTypes.func, // onCellDragStart is function with one parameter. This parameter is active item.
isGridLocked: PropTypes.bool,
not_update_order: PropTypes.bool
$ git clone
Then cd into react_sortable
$ npm install
$ npm start
Then open http://localhost:3000 as local file in your browser.
For build
$ npm run build