As an experienced Data Scientist, I've been fortunate enough to tackle exciting projects. I combine analytical skills, ability to work in team environments, and attention to details.
I have delivered relevant projects to companies in diverse markets. Most of them are confidential, but I've replicated some solutions, using public data to develop different projects for this portfolio. I'm currently updating these projects so that even my earliest works can reflect my current abilities.
These are some tools/skills/technologies used on the projects listed below:
A complete list can be seen in each project link.
All in all, I believe my greatest asset is the combination of technical skills and communication. My projects are detailed and well documented, which helps translate technical work into real-life results.
Customer churn prediction - code repo | article
Abstract: Churn is a measure of how many customers stop using a service or product, often evaluated for a specific period of time. In this study, a churn level prediction process is carried out using machine learning. A dataset with over 7000 customers of a telecom company is used. An action plan for the company is designed based on the results.
Credit card fraud detection - code repo | article
Abstract: In this work, we will use a credit card transactions database to study different algorithms, which can be used to classify a given transaction as fraudulent or not. We will see how to deal with unbalanced databases in Scikit Learn.
Global overview of COVID-19 - code repo | article
Abstract: It has been 2 years since the emergence of the COVID-19 virus. The pandemic control measures adopted by governments around the world have significantly affected everyone’s routine. Now, most governments are relaxing COVID restrictions despite high omicron variant spread. What can we learn from COVID data?
Statistical analysis of student grades - code repo
Abstract: Use of Python and Pandas package to evaluate the students’ performance in a Chemistry Olympiad at an educational institution.
Science communication through data science - site
Abstract: I have a personal project of a scientific communication platform, focused on usage and development of technological tools. I show how we can use Python and software for a better understanding of scientific concepts and daily situations. I also cover Data Science topics and coding best practices.