All packages are built under Ubuntu 18.04 ROS1 melodic.
- (remark) All launch files just call limited_joint_robot for moveit compatibility.
( AF85 gripper package has been imported from StanleyInnovation github repo : )
- AF85 + UR5 view
roslaunch ur5_gripper view_ur5_robotiq.launch
- AF85 gripper gazebo launch
roslaunch ur5_gripper ur5_gazebo_robotiq.launch
- AF85 moveit launch
roslaunch ur5_gripper_moveit_config move_group.launch
- AF85 moveit rviz
roslaunch ur5_gripper_moveit_config moveit_rviz.launch config:=true
Because of GAZEBO instability with AF85 (robot breaks down after certain amount of vibration accumulation w/r/t AF85), I changed some of continuous joints of AF85 to 'fixed' from 'continous'.
For the static AF85 GAZEBO simulation, use the following command instead.
roslaunch ur5_gripper ur5_gazebo_robotiq_static.launch
- RG2 view - rviz
roslaunch ur5_gripper view_ur5_rg2.launch
- RG2 gazebo launch
roslaunch ur5_gripper ur5_gazebo_rg2.launch