A CommerceJS, Ionic, React & Stripe powered, open source native enabled storefront, cart and checkout experience.
commercejs.com | @commercejs | Slack
ChopChop is our beautifully designed, elegantly developed demo store and starter kit that sells fine tools for thoughtful cooks. We’ve created a premium brand with a commerce experience to match, now ready to be use natively accross iOS and Android. Read more about this resource on the Commerce.js blog.
Clone the project, then get started by installing the dependencies, and starting the dev server.
yarn install
yarn start
Once the server is running, it'll open up in your browser automatically, start editing the code, and enjoy!
This project can be built for either iOS or Android using Capacitor. Capacitor makes it easy to build web applications that can be ran natively.
Ensure capacitor is included in the project by running:
npx cap init [appName] [appId]
Also, ensure the project has been built once by running:
ionic build
Next, add a desired platform to the project:
npx cap add ios
npx cap add android
From here, we can run the project natively using one of the following commands:
ionic capacitor run ion -l --external
ionic capacitor run android -l --external
Ionic will build the project in your platform of choice, and then you can run it in a simulator or on device from that point.
If you find that your project has not updated correctly in the native build, run
npx cap copy
to ensure the native outputs have the latest built code.
This project is licensed under BSD-3-Clause.
However, we will accept issue reports and contributions for this repository. See the contribute to the commerce community page for more information on how to contribute to our open source projects. For update-to-date APIs, please check the latest version of the API documentation.