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₍Ꙭ̂₎ < Not my bad slime

₍Ꙭ̂₎ < I will transform into anything


$ helm install chatwork/slime


  • Kubernetes 1.18+

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release:

$ helm install --name my-release chatwork/slime

The command deploys the slime chart on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the my-release deployment:

$ helm delete my-release

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

Difference from raw chart

raw chart is is very useful, but it is too flexible and can be difficult to write if you are not used to helm. Therefore, this chart has some format for writing. If it is a simple deployment + service + ingress, this chart is surely easier to write than raw chart, but it does not allow you to define any resources(CRDS, cert-manager,...) freely.

Use each charts as needed or use them together.


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the slime chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
nameOverride Override name of app null
fullnameOverride Override the full qualified app name null
deployment.enabled Enable deployment false
strategy rolling update strategy for deployment {}
annotations annotations for deployment {}
labels labels for deployment {}
replicas replicas for deployment 1
revisionHistoryLimit revisionHistoryLimit ""
podAnnotations pod annotations {}
podLabels pod labels {}
podSecurityContext pod securityContext {}
affinity affinity {}
nodeSelector nodeSelector {}
imagePullSecrets imagePullSecrets []
readinessGates readinessGates []
priorityClassName priorityClassName ""
progressDeadlineSeconds progressDeadlineSeconds ""
volumes pod volumes(initContainers, containers) []
containers application containers []
initContainers.enabled if true, you can use initContainers false
initContainers.containers initContainers config []
configmaps transform ConfigMap manifest. You can set binaryData, data {}
secrets transform Secret's manifest. You can set data, stringData and type {}
autoscaling.enabled if true, you can use hpa false
autoscaling.behavior autscaling behavior {}
autoscaling.metrics autoscaling metrics []
autoscaling.maxReplicas autoscaling maxReplicas 2
autoscaling.minReplicas autoscaling minReplicas 1
service.enabled if true, you can use service false
service.type service type(ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer) "ClusterIP"
service.ports service ports {}
clusterRole.enabled if true, you can use clusterRole false
clusterRole.rules clusterRole rules []
role.enabled if true, you can use role false
role.rules role rules []
serviceAccount.create if true, you can create serviceAccount false if you create serviceAccount, you can set name null
serviceAccount.labels service account labels {}
serviceAccount.annotations serviceAccount annotations {}
podDisruptionBudget.enabled if ture, you can use podDisruptionBudget false
podDisruptionBudget.annotations podDisruptionBudget annotations {}
podDisruptionBudget.labels podDisruptionBudget labels {}
podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable podDisruptionBudget maxUnavailable null
podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable podDisruptionBudget minAvailable null
ingress.enabled if true, you can use ingress false
ingress.ingresses ingresses config {}
cronJob.enabled if true, you can use CronJob false
schedule CronJob's schedule ""
cronJobRestartPolicy CronJob's restartPolicy OnFailure
concurrencyPolicy CronJob's concurrencyPolicy Allow
failedJobsHistoryLimit CronJob's failedJobsHistoryLimit 1
startingDeadlineSeconds CronJob's startingDeadlineSeconds null
successfulJobsHistoryLimit CronJob's successfulJobsHistoryLimit 3
suspend CronJob's suspend null
timeZone CronJob's timeZone null
cronJobContainers CronJob's containers []
cronJobVolumes CronJob's pod volumes(initContainers, containers) []
extraCronJobVolumes CronJob's extra pod volumes(initContainers, containers). Use when you want to add volume other than the common settings for each application. []
test.enabled if true, you can use helm test false
test.containers helm test container config []

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