Simple script to parse a log file from pokerstart to a json document. The goal is to store all json history to a database and then run analytics on it for statistics. Develop a dashboard to watch graph of hands history bankroll evolution and poker stats.
Other possibility when found a good way to stream the history directly when written is to develop a dynamic dashboard visible while playing.
Quick parse of a game logfile:
>>> from pokerstarsgame import Pokerstarsgame
>>> with open('hands/HH20180626_T2342391818.txt', 'r') as fl:
... lines =
... fl.closed
>>> gamelist = [x for x in lines.split('\n')]
>>> game = Pokerstarsgame(gamelist)
>>> game.get_game_infos()
'{"hands": [], "entry_price": 1.0, "_id": "T2342391818"}'
docker run --name pokermongo -v $(pwd)/data:/data/db -p 81:27017 -d mongo
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