I ❤️ creative applications of AI. I like working with unique datasets & problems.
Do a little bit of everything at the moment; NLP, CV, Data analysis +multimodal +unsupervised (research&dev)
Current work field on; Applications of AI related to Fashion. #FashionAI #패션AI
- 📝 Occasionally write blog blog is down for now cause I'm taking a break & don't have github pro for a while
- 🔭 Keywords of interests; language learning+brain, hyperbolic space, colorspace, model interpretability. (BYO)Build/Bring Your Own Model/Data
- 😛 Languages: English, Turkish, Korean....+(I understand some) Japanese, French, Italian
- 💬 Ask me about stuff I'm working on
- 📫 How to reach me: Twitter (maybe slow to respond)
- 😄 Pronouns: She
- 🔊 Pronunciation: Ceyda Çınarel (재이다 츠나렐)
- ⚡ Fun fact: From Turkey living in Korea
Happy to be;
- 🤗 In Hugging Face Fellowship program
- 🎈 In Streamlit creator's program
- 🎓 Seoul National University alumni (KGSP)
I star repos that are interesting & potentially usefull to me. I even try to organize them into lists now!