This tool is plugin-based and used to customize the confidential VM guest to meet user-specific requirements and CIMA deployment requirements.
It provides below plugins with different functions supported.
Name | Descriptions | Required for CIMA deployment |
01-resize-image | Resize the input qcow2 image | N |
02-motd-welcome | Customize the login welcome message | N |
03-netplan | Customize the netplan.yaml | N |
04-user-authkey | Add auth key for user login instead of password | N |
05-readonly-data | Fix some file permission to ready-only | N |
06-install-tdx-guest-kernel | Install user-specified TDX guest kernel | Y |
07-device-permission | Set the permission for device node | Y |
08-cima-uds-directory-permission | Set the permission for CIMA UDS directory | Y |
09-cima-vsock-port | Prepare a VM sockets port for CIMA | Y |
60-initrd-update | Update the initrd image | N |
97-sample | Plugin customization example | N |
98-ima-enable-simple | Enable IMA (Integrity Measurement Architecture) feature | N |
This tool has been tested on
Ubuntu 22.04
,Ubuntu 23.10
,Ubuntu 24.04
andDebian 10
. It is recommend to run the tool on the TDX host prepared following Configuration. -
This tool can run on bare metal or within a virtual machine with steps described in the section Run in Nested VM.
Please install the following packages on Ubuntu/Debian host.
sudo apt install qemu-utils guestfs-tools virtinst genisoimage libvirt-daemon-system libvirt-daemon
is not available in your distribution, you may need to install some additional packages on Debian.sudo apt-get install guestfsd libguestfs-tools
Ensure current login user is in the group of libvirt.
sudo usermod -aG libvirt $USER
Ensure read permission on
.sudo chmod o+r /boot/vmlinuz-*
The version of cloud-init is required > 23.0, so if the host distro could not provide such cloud-init tool, you have to install it manually. For example, on a debian 10 system, the version of default cloud-init is 20.0. Please do following steps:
wget sudo dpkg -i cloud-init_23.3.1-1_all.deb
If it is running with
hypervisor, then:
- In file
, make sureuser
or current user. - If need customize the connection URL, you can specify via
like-s /var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock
, please make sure the current user belongs to the libvirt group via the following commands:sudo usermod -aG libvirt $USER sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl restart libvirtd
Please start the net
for libvirt via:virsh net-start default
The tool supports parameters as below.
$ ./ -h
Usage: [OPTION]...
-i <guest image> Specify initial guest image file
-t <number of minutes> Specify the timeout of rewriting, 3 minutes default,
If enabling IMA, recommend timeout >6 minutes
-s <connection socket> Default connection URI is qemu:///system,
if install libvirt, you can specify to "/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock"
then the corresponding URI is "qemu+unix:///system?socket=/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock"
-n Silent running for virt-install with no output
-h Show usage
Run below commands to generate an output.qcow2
under current directory. The default user name is tdx
. The password is 123456
If you want to skip some plugins, create a file named "NOT_RUN" in the directory of the plugin.
# E.g. Skip plugin 98
$ touch plugins/98-ima-enable-simple/NOT_RUN
# Run the tool with an initial guest image and set timeout as 10 minutes.
$ ./ -i <initial guest image> -t 10
- All plugins need to be executed in numerical order.
- Plugin 06, 07, 08 and 09 are required for CIMA deployment.
- Plugin 60 requires copying or generating all files to the root directory first. When users customize plugins, please ensure that the plugin number with this requirement is placed before 60.
- Plugin 98 needs to be executed after all other plugins have completed. The number of the user-customized plugin must be before 98.
After the tool is executed successfully, the output will be as below.
SUCCESS: Complete cloud-init...
SUCCESS: Success to create guest image tools/cvm-image-rewriter/output.qcow2...
SUCCESS: Complete.
After is running successfully, you can boot a VM using the generated output.qcow2
Boot TD or normal VM using
.# Boot a TD $ sudo ./ -i output.qcow2 -b grub -q vsock # Boot a normal VM $ sudo ./ -i output.qcow2 -b grub -t efi
Boot TD using
.$ sudo ./ -h Usage: [OPTION]... -i <guest image file> Default is tdx-guest-ubuntu22.04.qcow2 under current directory -n <guest name> Name of TD guest -t <template file> Default is ./tdx-libvirt-ubuntu-host.xml.template -f Force recreate -v <vcpu number> VM vCPU number -m <memory size in GB> VM memory size in GB -h Show this help
For example:
# Boot a TD with specified name and CPU/memory $ sudo ./ -i output.qcow2 -n <libvirt domain name> -v <vCPU number> -m <memory size in GiB>
This tool can also be run in a guest VM on the host, in case that users need to prepare a clean host environment.
- Enable Nested Virtualization
Given that some plugins will consume more time in a low-performance guest VM, it is recommended to enable nested virtualization feature on the host.
First, check if the nested virtualization is enabled. If the file /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/nested
show Y
or 1
, it indicates that the feature is enabled.
cat /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/nested
If the feature is not enabled, create the file /etc/modprobe.d/kvm.conf
, appending options kvm_intel nested=1
to it and reboot the host.
echo "options kvm_intel nested=1" > /etc/modprobe.d/kvm.conf
- Launch the guest VM
When we launch the guest VM, it is recommended to allocate more than 8G
memory for the guest VM, because this tool will occupy at least 4G
memory. And more CPU cores will improve the guest VM performance, typically the number of CPU cores is at least 4
- Install dependencies
At last, install dependencies in the guest VM before running this tools.
It is an example for a basic Ubuntu 22.04 guest VM.
sudo apt install qemu-utils libguestfs-tools virtinst genisoimage cloud-init qemu-kvm libvirt-daemon-system