#Code challenge excepted!
Code Challenge: FF0000 Contact List repo
###Dev Notes:
####Development progress report
On your mark.. get set... code!
Set up environment and templates [time: 40 min]
Approached process building out the list [total time: 1.2 hours]
- Started the list using ul class="nav nav-pills", didn't seem to scale well
- Moved to a list-group with dropdowns using data-toggle="dropdown" function. [total time: 1.2 hours, into project]
Panel devvelopment and list item
- Added the container panel, issue bug: Address border colors
- Added a show status style/metod. (moveed from div to css /* li:before {} */ )
- Added fade to bottom of list
- In progress: hover model style/method [total time: 3 hours, into project]
Cross browser bug testing
- FF bug; ::first-letter CSS pseudo-element selector
- Chrome bug; dropdown list margin alignment [total time: 5 hours, into project]
Finishing visual style
- Develop: alt row and divider styles
Adding jquery functionality
- Added swap content method per dropdown selection
[total time: 8 hours, into project]
bug fix: fixed submenu hidden behind content added mailto: & tell: to data output
[total time: 8.5 hours, into project]
##List Data: Some fake people data
###Bug list: -- model darken background on item list hover
###Tested on:
- Mac Safari 8
- Mac Firefox 34
- Mac chrome 40
- PC IE 7
- PC FF 35
- Android Chrome
####UI Settings
Width: 280px
height: 398px
Border radious: 12px;
border: 4d4d4d / #4c4c4c - #292929 / 262626
#3d3d3d to #252525
height 50px
Note: fade just Inside above footer fade up: #111111
bar: #202020
row: #212121 // slate
alt #1a1a1a // dark
seperator #131313
StatusOn: #00fe2c // green
StatusOff: #ff0207 // Red
StatusAway: #c1bb1b // yellew
textRow1: #FFFFFF
textRow2: #585858
TextRow2 Hover: #fcfcfc
Note: Model effect
Item hover: #484848 // background gray
Item link: 08e7e2 // Blue