JSPerf is targeted towards developers quickly creating performance tests, but a much more common use case is for developers to learn about what performs and what doesn't on their target platforms.
Idea: use JSPerf and Browserscope to create a portal for web developers to learn performance tradeoffs between different approaches.
- Developers should be able to go to jsperfview.com and see JSPerf tests via tags (eg. graphics, networking, etc).
- JSPerf tests need to be taggable with extra metadata to facilitate these groupings.
- Each individual test should show the best approach to use for modern browsers (or a customizeable view focused on a user specified set)
Provide an explanation to go with each benchmark.
The above is a large undertaking. To begin with, I'll handpick a set of tests that are important for canvas performance. Pretend that they're marked with the tags "canvas".
So we have tests = [foo, bar, baz, ...] Need a way to render each test in an HTML5 graph