I do IT Support stuff at a plastics manufacturing company for my day job and try to learn everything I can about software programming, hardware description languages, and much more in my spare time.
🔭 I’m currently working on demonstrating my skills so I can position myself more competitively in my career.
🌱 I’m currently learning Verilog/SystemVerilog hardware description languages.
💬 Ask me about the MiSTer FPGA project!
📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
😄 Pronouns: He/Him
⚡ Fun fact: I have two wonderful parrots, hence the username...
Some stuff I've done:
- Made an aesthetically pleasing and SEO-able documentation site for the MiSTer FPGA project
- Ported multiple FPGA cores over to the MiSTer FPGA platform:
- Completed the digital logic design and implementation portions of Nand2Tetris and ported the course's ALU to verilog both in structural and in behavioral form.
- Certified ISO 13485/9001 internal auditor.