Hi~,I have some problem~
1../argoap_pipeline_stageone_version2.3 -i /home/bioinfo/sunyy/work/CRC/WGS/PRJEB27928/input -o /home/bioinfo/sunyy/work/CRC/WGS/PRJEB27928/11out -m /home/bioinfo/sunyy/work/CRC/WGS/PRJEB27928/metadata.txt -n 8
In this stage,"[WARNING] Indexing parameters (-k, -w or -H) overridden by parameters used in the prebuilt index."
This is my meta_data_online.
2.perl ./argoap_pipeline_stagetwo_version2 -i /home/bioinfo/sunyy/work/CRC/WGS/PRJEB27928/1out/extracted.fa -m /home/bioinfo/sunyy/work/CRC/WGS/PRJEB27928/1out/meta_data_online.txt -o /home/bioinfo/sunyy/work/CRC/WGS/PRJEB27928/2out/ -l 25 -d 80 -e 1e-5
In this stage, I have "Wrong 0" error.
This is my metadata:
SampleID Name Category ReadLength
1 ERR2726406 CTR 31980982
2 ERR2726407 CTR 44202258
3 ERR2726408 CTR 29803994
4 ERR2726410 CRC 24257212