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Jimmy (姜小濤) edited this page Jun 1, 2016 · 67 revisions

New release of Ublastx Version 1.2

1. adding a method to obtain microbial community structure from the shotgun metagenomics data set.
2. adding copy number correction using Copyrighter database and normalize ARGs abundance by cell number.

Detail introduction of copy number correction can be referred to Transform ARGs abundance against cell number

Welcome to the Ublastx_v1.2 wiki!

To run Ublastx, users should download the stage one source code into local computer system (Unix/Linux) and upload the generated files for stage two onto our Galaxy analysis platform (

##What does Ublastx do:

  1. Fast environmental searching of antibiotic resistant gene in multiple metagenomics data sets; the ARGs abundance can be normalized to cell number (updated by version 1.2)
  2. Generate mother table of type and sub-type level ARGs of users' samples and a merged sub-type level mother table
  3. Generate a PcoA of users samples with other typical environment samples such as human gut, ocean and sediment to show the relationship of user concerned samples with already sequenced environment.

###clone source code into local computer
git clone

###Prepare the meta-data file of your samples
To run the stage one pipeline, users need to prepare relative meta-data.txt file and put all the pair-end fastq file into one directory
Example of meta-data file meta-data.txt Tips:

  • You need keep the first and second column's name as SampleID and Name
  • The SampleID are required to be numbers counting from 1 to 2 to 3 etc.
  • Category is the classification of your samples into groups and we will colored your samples in PcoA by this informaton
  • The meta-data table should be separated by tabular for each of the items
  • The Name of each sample should be the fastq file names for your pair-end Illumina sequencing data, your fastq files will automatically be recognized by Name_1.fq and Name_2.fq, so you need to keep the name consistent with your fq file name. (if you files are end with .fastq or .fasta, you need to change them to end with .fq or .fa)
SampleID Name Category Librarysize
1 STAS ST 300
2 SWHAS104 SWH 300

###Prepare database and usearch

To make use of our scripts, users need to download database of ARDB and CARD by themselves.

  1. obtain CARD and ARDB as well as usearch.
    Please note that if the memory requirement over 4Gbps for usearch; 64 bit usearch should be used. Here we use 32 bit usearch as the example, which is free for user to use. Note that after uncompress the .gz files, users need to obtain the relevant fasta files for downstream analysis. The CARD contains four fasta, we do not count the mutation ones (SNP induced antibiotic resistence), so only three fasta files in card database are used.
    tar -xf card.tar.gz
    tar -zxvf ardb.tar.gz
    cat protein_fasta\[protein\ homolog\ model\].fasta protein_fasta\[protein\ variant\ model\].fasta protein_fasta\[protein\ wild\ type\ model\].fasta > card_without_mutation.fa
  2. dereplicate and merge ARG database with our script
    perl <card.fasta> <ardb.fasta> <merge_dereplicate.fa>
  3. make .udb of the integrated ARG database.
    please put the 32 bit usearch under directory bin/
    chmod 755 usearch
    makeudb of merge_dereplicate.fa to search against and put SARG.udb under directory DB/; the name of udb shoud be SARG.udb bin/usearch -makeudb_ublast merge.fasta -output SARG.udb
  4. make .udb for 85_otus.fasta
    Download greengene 85 OTUs represent sequences 85_otus.fasta, link to download:
    bin/usearch -makeudb_ublast 85_otus.fasta -out gg85.udb
  5. make .udb for RefHVR.V6.fa
    bin/usearch -makeudb_ublast RefHVR.V6.fa -out RefHVR.V6.udb
    Put all the .udb files into DB directory and put usearch excutable file into bin directory.

###Stage one pipeline

When meta-data.txt is prepared, then put all your fastq files into one directory in your local system (notice the name of your fastq files should be Name_1.fq and Name_2.fq). your can give -h to show the help information. Examples could be found in source directory example, in example directory run test:

** Notice: for large fastq files, the memory requirement will over 4Gb and 32 bit usearch will report an error message and only 64 bit usearch could be used. To tackle this problem, we write a script to split the big fastq files into smaller one so that 32 bit usearch can be used. The script is in the bin/ directory **

nohup ../ublastx_stage_one -i inputfqs -o testoutdir -m meta-data.txt -c -n 2

Usage: ./ublastx_stage_one -i <Fq input dir> -m <Metadata_map.txt> -o <output dir> -n [number of threads] -f [fa|fq] -z -h  -c    
    -i Input files directory, required
    -m meta data file, required
    -o Output files directory, default current directory
    -n number of threads used for usearch, default 1
    -f the format of processed files, default fq
    -z whether the fq files were .gz format, if -z, then firstly gzip -d, default(none) 
    -c This option fulfill copy number correction by Copywriter database to transfrom 16S information into cell number [ direct searching hyper variable region database by usearch; default 1]
    -h print this help information 

This step will search reads against ARG database and 16S greengene non-redundant 85 OTUs database to identify potential ARG reads and 16S reads. This step will generate searching results files for each fastq. This step also obtain the microbial community structure information of samples by searching against hyper-variable region database, and then perform copy number correction using Copyrighter copy number database (release date) to finally estimate the cell number of samples by setting the option -c.

The results are in testoutdir/, it looks like this:

extracted.fa                  STAS_2.16s                        SWHAS104.16s_hyperout.txt
STAS_1.16s                    STAS.extract_1.fa                 SWHAS104_2.16s               STAS.extract_2.fa                      SWHAS104_1.16s                    SWHAS104.extract_1.fa
STAS.16s_hvr_community.txt               SWHAS104.extract_2.fa
STAS.16s_hyperout.txt         SWHAS104.16s_hvr_community.txt                     SWHAS104.16s_hvr_normal.copy.txt

The extracted.fa and meta_data_online.txt are two files needed for ublastx_stage_two analysis. The STAS.16s_hvr_community.txt is the microbial community of sample STAS and STAS.16s_hvr_normal.copy.txt is the averagely copy number of the microbial community after CopyRighter database correction.

The meta-data-online.txt looks like this

SampleID Name Category Librarysize #ofreads #of16S #ofCell
1 STAS ST 300 200000 10.1 4.9
2 SWHAS104 SWH 300 200000 9.7 4.1

###Stage two pipeline on Galaxy system and download results

Go to and using the module ARG_OAP.

  1. Using ARG_OAP -> Upload Files module to upload the extracted fasta file and meta_data_online.txt file generated in stage one into Galaxy
  2. Click ARG_OAP and Ublast_stagetwo, select your uploaded files
  3. For "Column in Metadata:" chose the column you want to classify your samples (default: 3)

Click Execute and you can find four output files for your information

After a while or so, you will notice that their are four files generated for your information.

File 1 and 2: PcoA figures of your samples and other environment samples generated by ARGs abundance matrix normalization to 16s reads number and cell number
File 3 and 4: Other tabular mother tables which including the profile of ARGs type and sub type information, as long as with other environment samples mother table. File3 results of ARGs abundance normalization aganist 16S reads number; File 4 results of ARGs abundance normalization aganist cell number

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