My name is Bimba László (known as bimlas on the net) and I'm a Hungarian, self-taught developer who trying to make versatile stuff.
Made by me
- Coding
- Graphics
- Music (or at least some kind of it)
Others said about me
"One of your values of your contribution to the community is you often come from a different angle. [...] From experience you are quick to find limitations in TiddlyWiki and quick to destroy these by developing a working solution." -- TonyM
"Like usual you have solved something no one else could for a long time. Great work." -- TonyM
"Kudos! As a TiddlyWiki developer for near 10 years I have attempted 3 times to do what you did and failed." - sukima
"Your tool is Leet, sir." - h0p3
My favourite tools (using since ...)
- Linux (2009)
- Zsh (2015)
- FZF (2015)
- Tmux (2021)
- Vim (2011)
- Git (2014)
- Docker (2021)
- Kubernetes (2022)
- Grafana | Prometheus | Loki (2024)
- AwesomeWM | i3 (2023)
- Rofi (2023)
- Taking notes in various ways (2014)
- TiddlyWiki (2018)
- Zettelkasten method (2020)