Platform to collect and organize customer feedback about BCC applications.
BCC members can share, vote and discuss on suggestions they have to make BCC applications even better.
It is a slightly modified version of the open source project Fider.
Built with ❤︎ by Guilherme Oenning and contributors
- Allow new registrations when "Private site" is enabled
- Immediately redirect to the only OAuth provider
To run uservoice on your machine you need to have docker installed. Then you can run one container for the postgres database and another container for user voice.
- open a command line in the root folder of this repository
- run
docker build -t postgres-db ./scripts
- run
docker run -d --name my-postgresdb-container -p 5555:5432 postgres-db
docker build -t uservoice ./
- lookup the ip address of your postgres instance using
docker inspect my-postgresdb-container
(detailed explanation) - adjust the ip address in the following command and run it
docker run -it --rm -p 3000:3000 -e HOST_DOMAIN='localhost' -e GO_ENV='development' -e JWT_SECRET='hsjl]W;&ZcHxT&FK;s%bgIQF:#ch=~#Al4:5]N;7V<qPZ3e9lT4a%;go;LIkc%k' -e EMAIL_NOREPLY='[email protected]' -e EMAIL_SMTP_HOST='localhost' -e EMAIL_SMTP_PORT=1026 -e EMAIL_SMTP_USERNAME='' -e EMAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD='' -e DATABASE_URL='postgres://postgres:[email protected]:5432/fider?sslmode=disable' --name uservoice uservoice
- go to http://localhost:3000 and configure your uservoice/fider instance.
- to be able to use it you need to verify your email address. However the above script does not have a valid smtp server configured and therefore will not send the required email. You can either provide a working smtp server or you need to look up the verification url in the database by querying the database.