CokeScript is a whitespace sensitive language inspired by Python and Ruby that compile to JavaScript. This project is still at an early stage. The CokeScript compiler is written in CokeScript.
How does it compare against CoffeeScript:
- Scoping is not broken (
- Multiline string don't necessitate backslashes
- Virtual Dom support within the language
- The source code of the language is rather simple and short
- Language specification
- Interactive demo
- Consuming a REST API, build with webpack
- Simple frontend consuming a CRUD REST API
- Syntax highlighting for Atom
- A linter for Atom
<script src='dist/cokescript.js'></script>
var cokescript = require('cokescript');
Return object of form
ast: Abstract syntax trees,
code: JavaScript code,
ns: Namespace of the module
Return a commonJs module export statement with the keys provided. If none are provided the module level keys of the last compiled module will be used.
$ lib/coke.js
Usage of the coke command
coke <filename> <filename N> <options>
-m or --commonjs generate a commonJs module
-o or --output write the output to a single file
-e or --execute execute the generated javascript
-g or --glob select all files matched by a glob expression
-c or --convert convert each input file to JavaScript
CokeScript use EPEG.js