This is a Kurtosis Starlark Package that will:
- Generate EL & CL genesis information using this genesis generator
- Spin up a network of Eth2 Beacon/validator clients
- Add a transaction spammer that will repeatedly send transactions to the network
- Launch a consensus monitor instance attached to the network
- Optionally block until the Beacon nodes finalize an epoch (i.e. finalized_epoch > 0)
For much more detailed information about how the merge works in Ethereum testnets, see this document.
- Install Docker if you haven't done so already
- Install the Kurtosis CLI, or upgrade it to the latest version if it's already installed
- Ensure your Docker engine is running:
docker image ls
- Run the package:
kurtosis run --enclave eth2
To remove the enclave running the Ethereum network, run kurtosis enclave rm -f eth2
You can customize the package's behaviour by passing in a configuration JSON or YAML (see the "Configuration" section below). For example:
kurtosis run --enclave eth2 '{"global_client_log_level": "info"}'
For extra convenience, you can store the parameters in a file:
Create a file in your home directory
with the following contents:global_client_log_level: "info"
Run the package, passing in the params from the file:
kurtosis run --enclave eth2 "$(cat ~/eth2-package-params.json)"
Kurtosis will create a new enclave to house the services of the Ethereum network. This page contains documentation for managing the created enclave & viewing detailed information about it.
To configure the package behaviour, you can modify your eth2-package-params.yaml
file. The full YAML schema that can be passed in is as follows with the defaults provided:
Click to show all configuration options
// Specification of the participants in the network
"participants": [
// The type of EL client that should be started
// Valid values are "geth", "nethermind", "erigon" and "besu"
"el_client_type": "geth",
// The Docker image that should be used for the EL client; leave blank to use the default for the client type
// Defaults by client:
// - geth: ethereum/client-go:latest
// - erigon: thorax/erigon:devel
// - nethermind: nethermind/nethermind:latest
// - besu: hyperledger/besu:develop
"el_client_image": "",
// The log level string that this participant's EL client should log at
// If this is emptystring then the global `logLevel` parameter's value will be translated into a string appropriate for the client (e.g. if
// global `logLevel` = `info` then Geth would receive `3`, Besu would receive `INFO`, etc.)
// If this is not emptystring, then this value will override the global `logLevel` setting to allow for fine-grained control
// over a specific participant's logging
"el_client_log_level": "",
// A list of optional extra params that will be passed to the EL client container for modifying its behaviour
"el_extra_params": [],
// The type of CL client that should be started
// Valid values are "nimbus", "lighthouse", "lodestar", "teku", and "prysm"
"cl_client_type": "lighthouse",
// The Docker image that should be used for the EL client; leave blank to use the default for the client type
// Defaults by client (note that Prysm is different in that it requires two images - a Beacon and a validator - separated by a comma):
// - lighthouse: sigp/lighthouse:latest
// - teku: consensys/teku:latest
// - nimbus: statusim/nimbus-eth2:multiarch-latest
// - prysm:,
// - lodestar: chainsafe/lodestar:next
"cl_client_image": "",
// The log level string that this participant's EL client should log at
// If this is emptystring then the global `logLevel` parameter's value will be translated into a string appropriate for the client (e.g. if
// global `logLevel` = `info` then Teku would receive `INFO`, Prysm would receive `info`, etc.)
// If this is not emptystring, then this value will override the global `logLevel` setting to allow for fine-grained control
// over a specific participant's logging
"cl_client_log_level": "",
// A list of optional extra params that will be passed to the CL client Beacon container for modifying its behaviour
// If the client combines the Beacon & validator nodes (e.g. Teku, Nimbus), then this list will be passed to the combined Beacon-validator node
"beacon_extra_params": [],
// A list of optional extra params that will be passed to the CL client validator container for modifying its behaviour
// If the client combines the Beacon & validator nodes (e.g. Teku, Nimbus), then this list will also be passed to the combined Beacon-validator node
"validator_extra_params": [],
// A set of parameters the node needs to reach an external block building network
// If `null` then the builder infrastructure will not be instantiated
// Example:
// "relay_endpoints": [
// "https://[email protected]",
// "https://[email protected]",
// "https://[email protected]",
// "https://[email protected]"
// ]
"builder_network_params": null
// Configuration parameters for the Eth network
"network_params": {
// The network ID of the Eth1 network
"network_id": "3151908",
// The address of the staking contract address on the Eth1 chain
"deposit_contract_address": "0x4242424242424242424242424242424242424242",
// Number of seconds per slot on the Beacon chain
"seconds_per_slot": 12,
// Number of slots in an epoch on the Beacon chain
"slots_per_epoch": 32,
// The number of validator keys that each CL validator node should get
"num_validator_keys_per_node": 64,
// This mnemonic will a) be used to create keystores for all the types of validators that we have and b) be used to generate a CL genesis.ssz that has the children
// validator keys already preregistered as validators
"preregistered_validator_keys_mnemonic": "giant issue aisle success illegal bike spike question tent bar rely arctic volcano long crawl hungry vocal artwork sniff fantasy very lucky have athlete",
// The deneb for epoch -- arbitrarily large while we sort out this will take 53~ hours for now
"deneb_for_epoch": 500,
// True by defaults such that in addition to the Ethereum network:
// - A transaction spammer is launched to fake transactions sent to the network
// - Forkmon will be launched after CL genesis has happened
// - A prometheus will be started, coupled with grafana
// If set to false:
// - only Ethereum network (EL and CL nodes) will be launched. Nothing else (no transaction spammer)
// - params for the CL nodes will be ignored (e.g. CL node image, CL node extra params)
"launch_additional_services": true,
// If set, the package will block until a finalized epoch has occurred.
// If `waitForVerifications` is set to true, this extra wait will be skipped.
"wait_for_finalization": false,
// If set to true, the package will block until all verifications have passed
"wait_for_verifications": false,
// If set, after the merge, this will be the maximum number of epochs wait for the verifications to succeed.
"verifications_epoch_limit": 5,
// The global log level that all clients should log at
// Valid values are "error", "warn", "info", "debug", and "trace"
// This value will be overridden by participant-specific values
"global_client_log_level": "info",
// Supports three valeus
// Default: None - no mev boost, mev builder, mev flood or relays are spun up
// mock - mock-builder & mev-boost are spun up
// full - mev-boost, relays, flooder and builder are all spun up
"mev_type": None
You can find the latest Kiln compatible docker images here:
First, install prerequisites:
Then, run the dev loop:
- Make your code changes
- Rebuild and re-run the package by running the following from the root of the repo:
NOTE 1: You can change the value of the second positional argument flag to pass in extra configuration to the package per the "Configuration" section above! NOTE 2: The second positional argument accepts JSON.
kurtosis run . "{}"
To get detailed information about the structure of the package, visit the architecture docs.
When you're happy with your changes:
- Add an entry to
under the# TBD
header describing your changes (this is required for CI checks to pass!) - Create a PR
- Add one of the maintainers of the repo as a "Review Request":
- Once everything works, merge!
- doesn't work as expected, as Starlark doesn't have ways to do assertions on facts just yet. The issue tracks this.