eLearning consist in a application for schools, teams or companies to organize their courses and tutorials using iframes to embed the videos or presentations.
- AMP (Apache, MySQL, PHP)
- Xampp for Windows
- Tutorial for Linux
- Mamp for Mac OS
- Composer (PHP Package Manager)
- Firebase/JWT (Install with composer of you can download it manually here)
- AMP (Apache, MySQL, PHP)
- Node 16.10.0 + and NPM (Node Package Manager)
- ReactJS 18 +
- @mui 15.11 +
Installing requirements for backend application
cd ./backend && composer install
Remove comments in your Apache server in
for the next values:extension=gd
Install the requirements for frontend application
Using NPM:
cd ./frontend && npm install
Using Yarn:
cd ./frontend && yarn install
Import database using the file
at root of this project -
Run backend starting Apache Server and MySQL using your AMP software (Xamp, Mamp or your linux services)
sudo service apache2 start
sudo service mariadb start
Change the enviroment values in .htaccess with you database credentials:
# Enviroment variables SetEnv DB_HOST localhost SetEnv DB_USER database_name SetEnv DB_PASS database_password SetEnv DB_NAME database_name
Add JWT secret key:
SetEnv JWT_SECRET_KEY your_secret_key
Set hostname to use it in logic of media management:
SetEnv HOST http://localhost/
Run Frontend using the next commands:
Access to frontend folder
cd ./frontend
Start it using the next command:
npm start