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Praneeta Prakash edited this page Jun 12, 2023 · 9 revisions

The roadmap for the AWS SAM CLI (Serverless Application Model Command Line Interface) reflects customer conversations and interactions on Github, Stack Overflow, and Twitter. This document outlines the high level direction we are working towards, and for each project there is a tracking issue where you can leave feedback. We update this doc on a periodic basis to reflect any changing priorities.

Each project begins with an issue describing very high level goals for the project to encourage discourse on it from the community. This will be followed by a RFC (request for comments) to get community feedback on the design if there are multiple options being considered. After considering feedback on the RFC, a final decision will be made on whether to continue work on the project or defer it, and we will update the roadmap with the next steps.

Follow our videos on serverlessland to learn what's new in AWS SAM CLI.

Security and stability of the SAM CLI is a top priority. If you think you’ve found a potential security issue, please do not post it in the Issues. Instead, please follow the instructions here or email AWS security directly.

Our Core Tenets (which guide prioritization decisions)

  • Applications built using our tooling follow AWS security best practices
  • We simplify building applications that work with multiple AWS services
  • We embrace collaboration and take actions to enable community contributions

List of Annotations

Mark Description
🔍 Exploration
👂🏽 Waiting for feedback
🚦 Work ready to begin
🛠️ Work in progress
🛫 In Beta release
🚀 Released
🔴 Blocked

Don’t see something you really wanted? Create an Issue here to make a new feature request!


Community Engagement

We are working on improving our issue/PR response times. Listening and working with the open source community is really important to us. If you would like to give us your feedback on how we are doing, you can comment/vote on this issue. Also feel free to reach our developer advocate or product owner via Twitter. To report a bug or create a feature request, create an issue here.

Visually Build SAM applications with AWS Application Composer (Preview)

In re:Invent 2022, AWS launched Application composer, a visual canvas on the AWS console which includes support for building SAM applications using a drag and drop visual interface, as well as visualize an existing SAM or CloudFormation template by connecting your browser to your file system.


User Experience

We are working on improving the core user experience on SAM CLI and would love to hear from the community on the pain points in this tracking issue

Speed up development

SAM Accelerate (cloud based development) was launched in GA in July 2022! The ability to quickly test your changes in the cloud shortens the development loop significantly.

Support popular IaC tools

SAM CLI is a tool that specializes in speeding up your serverless development, and our vision is to make it work with popular IaC tools. We launched CDK integration that lets you locally invoke your CDK Lambda functions and API Gateways, but that is just the beginning. To give us feedback on the Terraform support and help shape the product roadmap, please give us feedback here


We launched sam pipelines which helps you create cross-account and cross-region pipelines that follow AWS' best practices. To help build better integrations with CI/CD systems, we launched CI container images and setup-sam GitHub Actions.

Educational content

To make serverless more accessible and easier to understand, we publish educational content like blog posts, videos and workshops. Here are some from AWS.


The AWS SAM CLI team values feedback and guidance from its community of users, although final decisions on inclusion into the project will be made by AWS. We determine the high-level direction for our open roadmap based on customer feedback and popularity (👍🏽 and comments), security and operational impacts, and business value. Where features don’t meet our goals and longer-term strategy, we will communicate that clearly and openly as quickly as possible with an explanation of why the decision was made.


Q: Why did you build an open roadmap?

A: Your feedback and suggestions would help in ensuring that we are working on the most important and impactful issues. And if you are making decisions and plans based on what we are developing, this will provide insights on what is coming down the road for SAM CLI.

Q: Why are there no dates on your roadmap?

A: Because security and operational stability trumps new features, we can't provide specific target dates for features. The roadmap is subject to change at any time, and roadmap issues in this repository do not guarantee a feature will be launched as proposed.

Q: Is everything on the roadmap?

A: We will publish high-level direction that is within the scope of SAM CLI. Minor features and performance improvement tasks are not on the roadmap currently, but we are constantly trying to improve the roadmap so please leave your suggestions here.

Q: How can I provide feedback or ask for more information?

A: When in doubt, please create an issue! Issues will be reviewed and/or forwarded appropriately. A great time to provide feedback is when the project is in Exploration, RFC stage, or when the feature is in beta release. As always, we listen to your feedback and adapt our plans if needed.

Q: Can I 👍🏽 existing issues?

A: We strongly encourage you to do so, as it helps us understand which issues will have the widest impact. You can navigate to the issue details page and add a reaction (👍🏽).

Q: How can I request a feature be added to the roadmap?

A: We encourage you to open an issue, even if you’ve requested it before via other channels. Issues submitted will be reviewed by the roadmap maintainers. If you find an issue already created for the feature, please upvote it (👍🏽) and leave comments specific to your use case. If you want to create a new issue, here is a template to get started.