Contains a aht20 driver written in "C"
The humidity and temperature sensor AHT20 by Asair, coupled with a BMP280 from Bosch are a good replacement for the BME280 that is hard to find or expensive at the time I wrote this driver. It is possible to buy, for a good price, a breakout board that contains both chips.
The code works for me. Use at your own risk. I do not accept any responsibility related to this code and procedures. It is provided as is with no guarantee or warranty what so ever.
Positive/constructive comments and suggestions are welcomed.
Installation and testing
To compile and run as a test, open the code and define the symbol "testing". This will enable the compilation to the testing code i.e. it defines the "main" procedure.
linux on a Raspberry Pi
a correctly connected aht20 device on the default i2c bus.
pigpio library
To compile: gcc aht20.c -lpigpio -o testing
To test, as root: ./testing
The following is the relevant datasheet :