This is a customizeable Upwork jobs filtering app.
- Register new application at Upwork to get consumer key and consumer secret: Or use your existing app key, you can see them at
- Clone the repo:
git clone
- Install Ruby 2.3.1 from or via RVM (
- Install Rails and other dependencies:
cd upwork-jobs-piper
gem install bundler
bundle install
- Initialize a local .env file:
cp .env.example .env
and put your random SECRET_KEY_BASE there. - After the application is approved by Upwork you can use its consumer keys, put them to UPWORK_CONSUMER_KEY and UPWORK_CONSUMER_SECRET keys of .env file
- Install the required gems:
bundle install
- Run the access key script:
. Follow its instructions to get UPWORK_ACCESS_TOKEN and UPWORK_ACCESS_SECRET keys. Put their values to .env file and uncomment relevant lines. - Run this command to verify that Upwork API access works:
JOB_ID="_~01a9a3a697ce5e4cf5" bin/query_upwork.rb
. It should print job data JSON. - Initialize a local database.yml file and create the database:
cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml
bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate
- Run the jobs populating script:
bundle exec rake upwork_jobs:fetch_jobs
- Run the local server:
bundle exec guard
- Open it in browser: http://localhost:3010/ (fixed rate and hourly jobs) or http://localhost:3010/hourly (hourly jobs only). Use [email protected] / changeme to log in.
- Now you can setup a cron task to fetch fresh jobs e.g. each 10 mins:
*/10 * * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /absolute/path/to/upwork-jobs-piper && bundle exec rake upwork_jobs:fetch_jobs --silent'
This app uses Upwork API and Upwork jobs data, make sure to check their Terms of Use before using it: