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Ari's Dotfiles

Everything I need on a fresh OSX machine. Installed by one script.

  • 🍺 Installs Homebrew (macOS / Linux)
    • then proceeds to install all the software described in the Brewfile via Homebrew 🤝
  • 😮 Sets up Oh My Zsh and a good .zshrc config
  • 🔌 Installs the Powerline font for the terminal
  • 🧩 Installs all the VSCode extensions I need
  • 🔑 Configures GPG for me, so I can sign my commits from the get go! ✍️

Quick start

git clone [email protected]:stacc/onboarding-script.git
cd onboarding-script


Automagically sets up my stuff on a brand new OS X or Linux machine 🪄

🍺 Homebrew
  Brew is installed.

😮 Oh My Zsh
  Looks like Oh My Zsh is already installed

🔗 Copying dotfiles
  · Linked Brewfile to /Users/ari/.Brewfile.
  · Linked gitconfig to /Users/ari/.gitconfig.
  · Linked zshrc to /Users/ari/.zshrc.

⚡️ Install Powerline fonts?[Y/N] y
  Copying fonts...
  Powerline fonts installed to /Users/ari/Library/Fonts

🍻 Run 'Brew bundle'?[Y/N] y
 Using homebrew/bundle
 Using homebrew/cask
 Using homebrew/core
 Using homebrew/cask-fonts
 Using font-fira-code-nerd-font
 Using gh
 Using node
 Using fnm
 Using helm
 Using helmfile
 Using kubectl
 Using stern
 Using kubectx
 Using gnupg
 Using stacc-next
 Using visual-studio-code
 Using 1password
 Using 1password-cli
 Using postman
 Using slack

 Homebrew Bundle complete! 23 Brewfile dependencies now installed.

 🧩 Install suggested VSCode extentions? [Y/N] y
  ✔ copilot
  ✔ copilot-chat
  ✔ gitblame
  ✔ gitlens
  ✔ vscode-pull-request-github
  ✔ vscode-conventional-commits
  ✔ vscode-eslint
  ✔ vscode-styled-components
  ✔ vscode-kubernetes-tools
  ✔ vscode-base64
  ✔ vscode-yaml
  ✔ vscode-xml
  ✔ vscode-commons
  ✔ vscode-todo-highlight
  ✔ vscode-stylelint
  ✔ vscode-import-cost
  ✔ vscodeintellicode
  ✔ code-spell-checker
  ✔ nbsp-vscode
  ✔ postman-for-vscode
  ✔ markdown-preview-enhanced
  ✔ intellicode-api-usage-examples
  ✔ pdf

🔑 Configuring GPG
  gpg-agent[691337]: gpg-agent running and available

FAQ / Common issues

Brew: command not found

If you get the following message from the installation script.

🍻 Run 'Brew bundle'?[Y/N] y line 131: brew: command not found

Run this command in your terminal to add Homebrew to your PATH: eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"

Github wont let me clone stuff.. 🥲

It’s a good idea to generate a fresh SSH key for your new setup:

  • Open up your terminal 🧑‍💻
    • Generate a new SSH key: ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "<your_email_or_whatever>"
  • Add the new SSH key to GitHub 🔐
    • pbcopy < ~/.ssh/
    • Go to your github account settings, navigate to SSH and GPG keys, and click on New SSH Key
    • Paste the copied public key into the provided field and save it.

Misc. Setup

⌘ + K

Allowing ⌘ + K to clear the integrated terminal in VSCode is essential for me.

    "key": "cmd+k",
    "command": "workbench.action.terminal.clear",
    "when": "terminalFocus && terminalProcessSupported"


🔧 Everything I need on a fresh OSX machine.







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