This is an example repository for sqlpture, a type-level SQL interpretor.
This repository contains following:
- PostgreSQL DB
- Node.js API Server(express)
With this combination, you could get a sence of what it looks like to write fully type-safe backend application with Node.js + TypeScript.
You'll be surprised how complecated it can gets!
- Docker
- Node.js
- Starting up Database
make start-db
to start PostgreSQL container- The container will be accessible on
- Restore Database
- dvdrental.tar is a dumped PostgreSQL artifact which contains both migration history, and actual data
make restore-db
to restore data- The database will be accesible on
- Generate DB schema types
make typegen
to auto-generate DB schema types- Check out schema.ts for the result
- Start Server
make start-server
to start Node.js(Express) server, locally- The server will be acceible on
- Make sure to restart the server everytime you change files under
- Call API
We are using schemats to generate DB schema types.
Although it's not perfect for every DB, it works most of the time! We recommend you to give it a shot!
The most common way to connect Postgres from Node.js is to use node-postgres.
However, since it basically returns any
all the time, we recommend you to prepare a wrapper repository class with a type-safe query
import { Client, QueryResultBase } from 'pg'
import { Query } from 'sqlpture'
type Result<T> = QueryResultBase & { rows: Query<T, DB> }
class Repository {
constructor(private client: Client) {}
async query<T extends string>(queryStr: T, values?: any[]): Promise<Result<T>> {
return this.client.query(queryStr, values) as any
const repository = new Repository(client)
const { rows } = await repository.query('SELECT name FROM user;')
console.log(rows) // [{ name: 'Tom' }, { name: 'Lisa' }, { name: 'Mike' }] <- You'll get a type-safe result