Solidity contracts for cross-chain AMPL through bridges.
It supports integration with any cross chain bridge which supports generic data transfer. To integrate with a new bridge, custom bridge specific 'bridge-gateway' contracts need to be implemented which deals with bridge specific ABIs and data parsing.
# Ethereum Mainnet
# core protocol (controlled by Ampleforth Governance)
token: 0xD46bA6D942050d489DBd938a2C909A5d5039A161
policy: 0x1B228a749077b8e307C5856cE62Ef35d96Dca2ea
orchestrator: 0x6FB00a180781E75F87E2B690Af0196bAa77C7e7C
# bridge contracts (controlled by Ampleforth Bridge DAO on Ethereum)
owner: 0x57981B1EaFe4b18EC97f8B10859B40207b364662
# reports rebase to every bridge in the list
batchRebaseReporter: 0x25fbC7D475B5013f631E5BB7f9Da57A8d1522179
- bridge: meter-passport
vault: 0x805c7Ecba41f9321bb098ec1cf31d86d9407de2F
- bridge: matic
vault: 0xCFedb6b85283fBBD0f5F30c5F75324A4B91819c5
# additional utility contracts
meterPassportBatcher: 0x454de9c544fcae74eb09c57a042349d3ead07e29
# BSC (controlled by Ampleforth Bridge DAO on BSC)
owner: 0x1501FBc20d3D0C1FEF146B528e7Cd9a003aBf281
token: 0xDB021b1B247fe2F1fa57e0A87C748Cc1E321F07F
controller: 0x17F084dFF8a71e38521BCBD3Da871753Dc67aa81
rebaseRelayer: 0x0c0144D04594AB99F4C02691B6684e3d871B589e
# AVAX (controlled by Ampleforth Bridge DAO on AVAX)
owner: 0x744ab0D47Ce9650E4d0eD45112d04BaA19dF4260
token: 0x027dbcA046ca156De9622cD1e2D907d375e53aa7
controller: 0x24232ccAf8bB87908C419aD7dDCca8cc9e74746d
rebaseRelayer: 0xE3a0B70676ed6e1947140Ff0b332cAe7d7f0364B
# Meter (controlled by Ampleforth Bridge DAO on METER)
owner: 0x240aa3CA55D3f8dF80936a84Ff076bF9A09370Fa
token: 0x1cf09D1B5Da9d9d24365D87B932A7c4bD018A419
controller: 0x5353C43b3aF8E9F9c044B55Ea2c139aC977E0F19
rebaseRelayer: 0xb8A175Bf9b2BC3Be976D2E328Bb96E83ae6A3e4B
# Matic / Polygon (controlled by Ampleforth Bridge DAO on Matic)
owner: 0x5d96A65E51A78C511C545a0247eb2d006912b636
token: 0xc67238827da94B15F6bA10F3d35f690809919F75
controller: 0x0AF32F7B0733DBFe59E52712c3fBF2d1B4ebd00f
rebaseRelayer: 0x4960382cA3151Df595b944731304F71Df7eDb35A
End to end architecture is described here.
# Compile contracts
yarn compile
# Lint code
yarn lint
# Format code
yarn format
# Run solidity coverage report (compatible with node v12)
yarn coverage
# Run solidity gas usage report
yarn profile
This test suite (/test/intgration
) deploys 1 instance of the base chain contracts and 2 instances
of satellite chain contracts with the same configuration as the final deployment on the same ganache instance. Off-chain service interactions are mocked through testing scripts. ie) Contracts think they are talking to other contracts from a different blockchain but all of them lie on the same ganache instance and off-chain calls are mocked.
- 1 instance of the Ampleforth Protocol (base chain)
- 3 instances the bridge protocol contracts; (1 base and 2 satellite chains)
- 1 instance of the AMPL-Bridge gateway contract (base chain)
- 2 instances of the Bridge-XCAmple gateway contract (2 satellite chains)
Each new bridge integration should check for the following cases.
- +ve, -ve and neutral rebase is propagated from the base chain to multiple satellite chains, it should update balances in the satellite chains correctly
- When +ve, -ve and neutral rebases on the base chain are missed by the bridge, then next rebase should update balances correctly on the satellite chains
User transfers from base to satellite chain and back
User transfers from base to satellite chain and back around rebases, where transfers are before, after and in-between rebase propagation to the target chain.
User transfers from satellite to another satellite chain and back
User transfers from satellite to another satellite chain and back around rebases, where transfers are before, after and in-between rebase propagation to the target chain.
# generate typescript bindings
yarn typechain --target ethers-v5 --outDir types/ [ABI_JSON_FILE]