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passport otp grant : custom grant for register and login whit verify code
A type-safe HTTP client for Android and the JVM
🚀 A curated list of awesome articles, videos, and other resources to learn and practice software architecture, patterns, and principles.
Xray panel supporting multi-protocol multi-user expire day & traffic & ip limit (Vmess & Vless & Trojan & ShadowSocks & Wireguard)
Bot showing the volume and remaining subscription x-ui panel
It is a web service project to manage the x-ui panel
List of 1000 JavaScript Interview Questions
Matsuri (茉莉) / V2Ray / universal proxy toolchain for Android / Fork of SagerNet
Hi everyone, we want to list companies that hired at least one Iranian. If you are an expert and tried to relocate from Iran, you definitely found out that it's hard to find companies that can supp…
🤯 High-performance PHP application server, process manager written in Go and powered with plugins
this pack help you to provide your user from different service ( useful in microservice )
⏱ PHP performance tool analyser your script on time, memory usage and db query. Support Laravel and Composer for web, web console and command line interfaces.
Fearless refactoring, it does a lot of smart checks to find certain errors.
Make laravel/passport token cacheable.
Flutter widget that automatically resizes text to fit perfectly within its bounds.
A pragmatic lightweight dependency injection library. This is a port of Koin for Dart projects.
A cli tool for creating Laravel packages
Simple and light-weight event dispatcher for Kotlin
Make Laptop ASUS K55VD run like real macOS Mac Book Pro
🛡 Make safest code in Android. (基于libsodium实现chacha20算法,key在native中,防止被二次打包){长期维护,请star,勿fork}
Converter of <any kind of declarations> to Kotlin external declarations
Kotlin, please, can you animate my views ?
[UNMAINTAINED] Kotlin Wrapper Library of Material-UI
Muirwik - a Material UI React wrapper written in Kotlin
Kotlin wrappers for popular JavaScript libraries
It's a fully customizable Date/Range picker for ReactJS.
Simple automation script for Aegisub to fix RTL formatting in subtitles