Remove duplicated protein/nucleic acid sequences, keeping the first occurrence.
uniqseq [-h] [-f {fasta,clustal,embl,genbank,imgt,phd,pir,tab}] [-v] [inseqfile] [outseqfile]
It works like the Unix 'uniq' command, but for sequences and it does not require any previous sorting. It can be inserted in command pipes.
This is a Python script, so, you can just run the file or put a symbolic link in any directory of your PATH (e.g. /usr/local/bin). The second option is recommend.
- Python3
- Biopython
- argparse
It runs in Linux, probably in Mac OS too, but not tested.
uniqseq input_redundant_seqs.fasta output_uniq_seqs.fasta
uniqseq input_redundant_seqs.pir output_seqs.pir -f pir
cat redundant_seqs.fasta | uniqseq > uniq_seqs.fasta