This proof of concept was built to show the ability to do geosearching in AWS DynamoDB. It uses open source software to geocode and store/read/update geopoints in dynamo. For a detailed breakdown of this repository, refer to the article on Medium.
The CloudFormation script (template.yaml) will deploy a handful of serverless resources to your AWS account:
- 1 x Public API (API Gateway)
- 1 x NoSQL Table (DynamoDB)
- 4 x CRUD Functions (Lambda)
- 4 x Roles with Policies (IAM)
In order to properly run and deploy this app, you must perform the following
- Setup an AWS account
- Install the AWS CLI
- Configure the AWS CLI to use your account
- Setup an S3 bucket
- Sign up for a free Geocodio api key
- Install Git
- Clone the repository to your local machine
- In the template.yaml file, change REPLACE_ME with your Geocodio api key
- In the root package.json, change REPLACE_ME with the name of your S3 bucket
You are able to deploy the solution any way you'd like, but included in the root package.json is a script that will automatically build, package, and deploy the solution to AWS for you. Just run the following command to deploy
npm run deploy