What remains of GLADOS is only her angry core ... a very angry core.
Destroys / kills entire Discord guilds / servers in matter of seconds.
It's blazingly fast as it's using cooperative multitasking to fire tons of requests at discord all while avoiding discord rate-limit and cooldowns (where it can, see notes.md for full breakdown of the process)
Why was this created? Because 42
Will you get banned for using this? Yes.
[x]️ Process that is visually hard to detect by admins
[x]️ Process that is very fast and tries to maximize speed
[x]️ Ban all members
[x]️ Delete all emojis
[x]️ Delete all text/voice channels
[x]️ Delete all roles
[x]️ Remove the guild icon and change guild name to random string
[x]️ Add tons of random channels, makes it hard to recover
You need Python v3.x and discord.py v1.x (rewrite)
If you already don't have one, you need Discord account and you need to create new bot application and get it's bot token.
Preferably use new account and new bot because you'll more than likely get banned.
You need to change main.py and paste your bot token there.
Final step is hosting your bot, whether it's some service like Google/Amazon Cloud or just running the bot from your IDE.
Destroy process will start automatically once the bot joins guild.
You can also manually start it with command !destroy
or !d
I'm not responsible for any bans you get while using GLADOS.
You WILL get banned so use throwaway accounts.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details