Example / template STM32 HAL projects built with Bazel (using bazel_arm_toolchains).
In another life I've reimplemented the HAL, but couldn't bring myself to do it again (even if open-source). But, I still wanted to use Bazel with a sensible and documented startup configuration. Hopefully these examples provide that.
and C++
projects are supported.
In particular, you might be interested in how the F7 HAL is incorporated into Bazel from ST's STM32CubeF7 repo. Some interesting aspects:
-- BUILD file for external repothird_party/stm32cubef7.bzl
macro for creating project specific HAL librarybare_metal/BUILD
-- Contains//bare_metal:main.elf
showing how complete embedded target is built.
To build the bare_metal
bazel build --config=m7 //bare_metal:main.elf