This project was done as a collaboration between TACC and the Department of Government at the University of Texas at Austin. It consists of a series of interactive Processing sketches wrapped in an HTML framework for the purpose of visualizing the evolution of constitutions around the world. The goal of the project is to allow groups of people in a museum environment to explore this large dataset using intuitive gestures on a high resolution touch wall. The Processing JS library was used to migrate the Java-based sketches into a format that can work within a browser. Some additional JavaScript was used for the communication between the sketches and other DOM objects.
Right Popularity Visualization
Developers: Rahul Jaisimha & Alex Gerome
Game Designed to Test Users' Knowledge of Which Rights Are Included in a Country's Constitution
Developers: Rahul Jaisimha
Game Designed to Test Users' Knowledge of the US Amendmendts
Developers: Alex Gerome
Cross-Country Comparison of Adopted Constitutional Rights Across Time
Developers: Heriberto Nieto