If using on Windows you need to install git bash for windows https://gitforwindows.org/
Install python version 3.7.3 from this link https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-373/
- choose the 'Windows x86-64 executable installer' option under Files
- Run the exectuable and make sure to check the 'Add Python 3.7 to PATH' checkbox
Check your version of chrome using the following instrucions:
- Open Chrome and open the Chrome settings. Click 'Help' > 'About Google Chrome'. A new window will appear with your Version of google chrome.
- This script uses Chrome Version (84.0.4147.89) as its chromedriver.exe. If your Chrome version is older than (84.0.4147.89), then update Chrome or find the chromedriver.exe that matches your Version here https://chromedriver.chromium.org/downloads
- If you downloaded a new chromedriver.exe find it and replace the chromedriver.exe in /get-recipes after following the Getting Started instructions below
Open your file explorer and navigate to where you would like to install the repository (I chose the Documents folder). Right click and chose "Git Bash Here"
Type the following command in the terminal:
git clone https://github.com/afatt/get-recipes.git
Navigate into the get-recipes folder:
cd get-recipes
Install your dependencies (run all four commands separatly in the bash terminal):
pip install pillow
,pip install pypng
,pip install pyzbar
,pip install selenium
Test it out and install the Mexican tacos recipe:
python get_recipe.py
- should install the pdf in your Downloads folder
- Make sure you have images of your QR codes in get-recipes/images folder
- Open git bash in the same directory as the get-recipes folder with by right clicking and choosing "Git Bash Here"
- Run the script using:
python get_recipes.py
- The pdfs will be installed in the Downloads folder of your computer